More Acronym Definitions:
1-1SDoC | One Standard-One Test, Supplier's Declaration of Conformity |
2B1Q | 2 Binary 1 Quaternary (U.S. line coding for ISDN |
2D-VLC | Two Dimensional Variable Length Coding |
3G | Third Generation |
3GPP | Third Generation Partnership Project (ETSI) |
3WC | Three Way Call |
4B3T | 4 binary 3 trinary (European line coding for ISDN) |
10MDSL | 10 Mbit/s DSL |
-A- | |
A/D | Analog to Digital |
A&T | Architecture & Transport (DSL Forum Committee, formerly ATM) |
A/TT | Analog Tie Trunk (TIA-646-B) |
AAA | Authentication, Authorization and Accounting |
AAC | Advanced Audio Coding |
AACCH | Auxiliary Analog Control Channel |
AAL | ATM Adaptation Layer |
AAL(D) | Analog PSTN Access Line (Analog PBX Interface, TIA-646-B) |
AAL5-CU | ATM Adaptation Layer 5 Composite User |
AAP | Alternative Approval Procedures (ITU) |
AASO | Advanced Audio Server Override (package) |
AASB | Advanced Audio Server Base |
AASS | Advanced Audio Server Set (package) |
AAU | Advanced Audio Package |
AAV | Authentication Algorithm Version |
ABAC | Aggregate Bearer Admission Control |
AbC | Approval by Correspondence |
ABM | Aggregate Bearer Measurement |
ABNF | Augmented Backus-Naur Form |
ABR | Average Bit Rate |
ABT | Adaptive Block Transform |
AC | Advisory Circular |
ac | alternating current |
AC | Alternating Current |
AC | Arithmetic Coding |
AC | Authentication Center |
AC | Auto Configuration (DSL Forum) |
AC | Automatic Callback |
ACA | Adaptive Channel Allocation |
ACBO | Automatic Cross Band Operation |
ACC | Analog Control Channel |
ACC | Automatic Configuration Client |
ACC | Automatic Congestion Control |
ACCH | Associated Control Channel |
ACD | Automatic Call Distribution |
ACE | Advanced Coding Efficiency |
ACELP | Adaptive CELP |
ACF | Admission Confirm |
ACF | Authentication Control Function |
ACG | Automatic Code Gapping |
ACI | Anonymous Call Interception |
ACIL | Association of Independent Scientific, Engineering and Testing Firms |
ACK | Acknowledgment |
ACKS | Acknowledgments |
ACM | Address Complete Message |
ACOS | IEC Advisory Committee on Safety |
ACR | Absolute Category Rating |
ACR | Alternate Carrier Routing |
ACR | Anonymous Call Rejection |
ACRE | Authorization and Call Routing Equipment |
ACS | Auto-Configuration Server |
ACS | Automatic Configuration Service |
ACSB | Amplitude Companded Single Side Band |
ACSE | Association Control Service Element |
ACT | Activation |
ACTA | Administrative Council for Terminal Attachment (T1 and TIA) |
ACTE | Approvals Committee for Terminal Equipment |
ACTS | Advanced Communications Technology Satellite |
AD | Administrative Domain |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADAAG | ADA Accessibility Guidelines |
AD-BES | Administrative Back-End Services |
ADC | Analog to Digital Converter |
ADDS | Application Data Delivery Service |
ADHAG | Ad Hoc Authentication Group (TR-45.2) |
ADI | Analog Devices Inc. |
ADL | All Digital Loop (without underlying POTS or ISDN) |
ADL | Automatic Determination of Location |
ADLC | Asynchronous Data Link Control |
ADLG | Automatic Determination of Location and Guidance |
ADLNB | Association of Designated Laboratories and Notified Bodies (European) |
ADLU | All Digital Loop masks |
ADM | All Digital Mode |
ADP | Answer Detection Pattern |
ADPCM | Adaptive Differential PCM |
ADS | Asynchronous Data |
ADSI | Analog Display Services Interface (Bellcore) |
ADSL | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop (Line) |
ADSLF | ADSL Forum |
ADSL-R | Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Loop (Remote) |
ADT | Asynchronous Data Teleservice |
AEC | Acoustic Echo Controller |
AECE | Acoustic Echo Control Equipment |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard-Rijndael |
AFE | Analog Front End |
AFNOR | Association francaise de normalisation (French Standardization) |
AG | Access Grant |
AGC | Audiographics Conferencing |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control |
AGCH | Access Grant Channel |
AGNI | Advisory Group for Network Issues |
AHAG | Ad Hoc Authentication Group (TR-45) |
AHES | Ad Hoc Emergency Services (TR-45.2) |
AHG | Ad Hoc Group |
aHIT! | TIPIA merger into IMTC |
AHMMG | Ad Hoc Microcell/Microsystems Guidelines |
AHPAI | Ad Hoc PCS Air Interface Joint Group |
AHSOG | Ad Hoc on Self Organization Group |
AHWG | Ad Hoc Working Group |
AI | Air Interface |
AI | Answer Indicator (V.8) |
AIC | Advanced Intra Coding |
AIG | Administrators Interest Group |
AIG | Authentication Implementation Guide |
AIIM | Association for Information and Image Management |
AIM | Audio in Multimedia (EBU Project Group B) |
AIN | Advanced Intelligent Network |
AINI | ATM Inter Network Interface |
AIS | Alarm Indication Signal |
AIV | Alternative Inter VLC |
a.k.a. | Also Known As |
AKA | Authentication and Key Agreement |
AL | Answer List |
AL1 | H.223 Adaption Layer 1 |
AL-PDU | Answer List - Protocol Data Unit |
AL-SDU | Answer List - Service Data Unit |
ALC | Automatic Level Control |
ALCE | Automatic Level Control Equipment |
ALE | Automatic Link Establishment Radios |
ALF | Application Level Framing |
ALI | Automatic Location Identification |
ALIT | Automatic Line Insulation Test |
ALT | Automatic Link Transfer |
ALU | Arithmetic Logic Unit |
AM | Amplitude Modulation |
AM | Assignment Message |
AMA | Adaptive Motion Accuracy |
AMA/CDR | Automatic Message Accounting/Call Detail Recording |
AMD | Amendment |
AMF | Authentication Management Function |
AMPS | Advanced Mobile Phone Service |
AMR | Adaptive MultiRate |
AMR-WB | Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband |
AN | Access Network |
AN | Access Node |
AN | Advisory Note |
ANAI | Access Network Architecture and Interfaces |
ANATEL | Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicacoes (Brazil) |
ANF | Additional Network Feature |
ANF-CMN | Additional Network Feature - Common Information (H.450.12) |
ANFP | Access Network Frequency Plan |
ANI | Automatic Number Identification |
ANOVA | Analysis of Variance Procedure |
ANS | Answer Tone |
ANSam | Answer Tone, amplitude modulated (V.8) |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
ANT | Access Network Transport (Q1/15) |
AOC | Advice of Change |
AOC | Advice of Charge |
AOC | ADSL Overhead Channel |
AOC-D | Advice Of Charge during a call |
AOC-E | Advice Of Charge at the End of a call |
AOD | Audio on Demand |
AOL | America On Line (Commercial service) |
AP | Advanced Prediction |
AP | Application Protocols |
APCM | Analog PCM Modem |
APCO | Associated Public Safety Communications Officers, Inc. |
APD | Photodiode with Avalanche gain |
APDU | Application Protocol Data Unit |
APE | Application Protocols Entities |
APEC | Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APIC | APCO Project 25 Interface Committee |
APLAC | Asian Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation |
APP | Application Marker |
APS | Asynchronous Protocol Specification |
AR | Adaptive Reception Control |
AR | Auto-Regressive |
AR | Automatic Recall |
ARC | Adaptive Reception Control |
ARC | Alarm Reporting Control |
ARCH | Access Response Channel |
ARDB | Administrative Reference DataBase |
ARF | Audio Resource Function |
ARIB | Association of Radio Industries and Businesses (accredited standards setting body in Japan) |
ARJ | Admission Reject |
ARLP | Acoustic Reference Level Plan |
ARM | Application Resource Manager |
ARQ | Admission Request (H.225) |
ARQ | Automatic Repeat Request |
arTISIL | active and recent Testing & Interoperability WG and Interoperability Sub-Working Group Series/Items Logs |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ASC | Automatic Service Configuration |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
ASE | Applications Service Element |
ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
ASID | Access, Searching and Indexing of Directories |
ASL | Active Speech Level |
ASN | Abstract Symbol Notation |
ASO | Arbitrary Slice Ordering |
ASOG | Access Service Ordering Guidelines |
ASON | Automatic Switched Optical Networks (IETF) |
ASP | Advanced Simple Profile |
ASP | Application Service Provider |
ASR | Automatic Speech Recognition |
ASTM | formerly American Society of Testing and Measurement |
ASVD | Analog SVD |
AT | Access and Terminals (ETSI TC) |
AT | Asynchronous Terminal |
ATA | Analog Terminal and Access Project |
ATa | Analog Working Group (ETSI TC AT) |
AT-A | ETSI Access and Terminals Analog Working Group |
ATAAB | Analog Technical Ad hoc Advisory Board |
ATAc | ATA's Conventional Technology WG |
ATAe | ATA's Enhanced Technology WG |
ATBCB | Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board |
ATC | Analog Traffic Channel |
AT-D | Access and Terminals Digital Working Group (ETSI) |
ATd | Digital Working Group (TC AT) |
ATf | Features Working Group (TC AT) |
ATF | Administrative Task Force |
AT-F | ETSI Access and Terminals Features Working Group |
ATG | Access Transport Group (DSL Forum) |
ATIA | Australian Telecommunications Industry Association |
ATIS | Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
ATMB-PON | Asynchronous Transfer Mode Broadband Passive Optical Network |
ATMF | ATM Forum |
ATMOVE | Adaptive-Template Movement |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode - Transmission Convergence |
ATM-Utopia | Universal Test and Operations Physical Layer Interface for ATM |
ATO | Analog Tandem Office (TIA-646-B) |
ATS | Abstract Test Suite |
ATS | Assigned Time Slot |
ATSC-DASE | Advanced Television Systems Committee - DTV Application Software Environment |
ATU-C | ADSL Transceiver Unit - Central Office End |
ATU-R | ADSL Transceiver Unit - Remote Terminal End |
ATV | Advanced Television |
A-UA | Authentication User |
AuC | Authentication Center |
AuF | Authentication Function |
AV | AudioVisual |
AVC | Audio Visual Coding |
AVC | Audiovisual Conferencing |
AVD | Alternating Voice Data |
AVI | Interactive Audiovisual Services |
AVIS | Audio Visual Information Systems |
AVMMS | AudioVisual and MultiMedia Services |
AVT | Audio/Visual Transport |
AWG | American Wire Gauge |
AWG | Arbitrary Wave Form Generator (TR-30.3) |
AWGN | Additive White Gaussian Noise |
AWI | Alert With Info |
-B- | |
B | Bi-directionally predicted |
B2B | Business-to-Business |
B2C | Business-to-Consumer |
B2G | Business-to-Government |
B&G | Bits&Gains (Q4/15) |
B&W | Black and White |
BA | Basic Access (ISDN) |
BAM | Biconic Connector |
BAPT | Bundesamt fur Post und Telekommunikation |
BARAS | ETSI SAGE standard encryption algorithm for audiovisual services |
BAS | Bit rate Allocation Signal |
BAU | Base Audio Package |
BB | Bandwidth Broker |
BBN | Bulk Billing Number |
BB-RAS | Broadband Remote Access Server |
BBS | Bulletin Board System |
BC | Basic Call |
BC | Bearer Channel |
BCC | Basic Control Channel |
BCCA | Board Committee on Conformity Assessment |
BCCH | Broadcast Control Channel |
BCD | Binary Coded Decimal |
BCD | Broadband Content Delivery |
BCDF | Broadband Content Delivery Forum |
BCF | Backward Control Field |
BCF | Bearer Control Function |
BCH | Bose, Chaudhuri, and Hocquengham |
BCM | Back Channel Message |
BCTP | Basic Call Transfer Protocol (SG11) |
BD | Bjøntegaard Delta |
BDBRS | Bjøntegaard Delta Bit Rate Savings |
BD-PSNR | Bjøntegaard Delta PSNR |
BDS | Blank Detail Specification |
BE | Border Element |
BEM | Big Emerging Markets |
BER | Bit Error Rate |
BERT | Bit Error Rate Test |
BES | Back-End Services |
BEST | Back-End Service Transaction |
(B)FER | Burst Frame Error Rate |
BF | Bearer Function |
BFI | Bad Frame Indicator |
BFOC | Bayonet Fiber Optic Connector |
BFT | Binary File Transfer |
BGN | Background Noise Conditions |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol (IETF) |
B-HLI | Broadband High Layer Information |
BICC | Bearer Independent Call Control (ITU-T SG11) |
BICSI | Building Industry Consulting Services International |
BID | Billing ID Numbers |
BINTERMS | Basic Interoperability for Terminals for Telematic Services |
B-ISDN | Broadband ISDN |
BISS | Basic Interoperable Scrambling System (EBU) |
BISS-E | Encrypted Basic Interoperable Scrambling System (EBU) |
B-ISUP | Broadband ISDN User Part |
BITB | Boulder Industry Test Bed |
BLER | Block Error Rates |
BLERf | Error Free Block Rate |
BLES | Broadband Loop Emulation Service |
B-LLI | Broadband Lower Layer Information |
BME | Block based Motion Estimation |
BMI | Base Station, Mobile Switching Center, and Interworking Function |
BMM | Broadcast-Based Multimedia |
BMSC | Base Station Manufacturer Code |
BNC ID | Backbone Network Connection Identifier |
BNF | Backus-Naur Form |
B-NT | Broadband Network Termination |
BNT | Binary File Transfer |
BNTF | Bi-National Task Force |
BNTG | Bi-National Task Group |
BNWG | Bi-National Working Group |
BO | Business Office |
BOF | Birds of a Feather |
BoD | Board of Directors (DSL Forum) |
BOMA | Building Owners & Managers Association |
BONDING | Bandwidth On Demand Interest Group (TR-41) |
BOS | Business Object Summit |
BP | Boundary Point (Q14/9, MediaHomeNet) |
BPI+ | Baseline Privacy Interface Plus |
B-PISN | Broadband PISN |
B-PON | Broadband Passive Optical Network |
BPTC | Block-Product-Turbo-Codes |
B-QSIG | Broadband QSIG |
BRA | Basic Rate Access |
BRAN | Broadband Radio Access Networks (ETSI TC) |
BRAS | Broadband Remote Access Server |
BRI | Basic Rate Interface |
BRKACK | Break Acknowledge frame (V.42) |
BRM | Bit Repetition Message |
BRQ | Bandwidth Request |
BS | Base Station |
BS | Broadcasting Service (Sound) (ITU-R Recommendations) |
BSC | Base Station Controller |
BSC | Binary Symmetric Channels |
BSD | Berkeley Software Design (Unix Operating System) |
BSMAP | Base Station Management Application Part |
BSMC | Base Station Manufacturer Code |
BSMI | Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection |
B-SMS | Broadcasts Short Message Service |
BSN | Broadband Service Node (Nortel) |
BSR | Board of Standards Review (ANSI) |
BSS | Base Station System |
BSS | Broadcasting-Satellite Service |
BST | Broadcast SMS Teleservice |
BT | British Telecom (United Kingdom PTT) |
BT | Broadcasting Service (Television) (ITU-R Recommendations) |
BTA | Basic Trading Area |
BTC | Business Telecommunications Committee (ETSI) |
BTM | Basic Transfer Mode |
BTS | Base Transceiver System |
B-UNI | Broadband User Network Interface |
B-VOP | Bidirectional Video Object Planes |
B/W | Black and White |
BWC | Bandwidth Control |
BWS | Building Wiring Standard |
-C- | |
C&I | Commands and Indications |
C&S | Control and Signaling (ATM Forum Working Group) |
CA | Channel Aggregation |
CA | Communication Application (T.611) |
CA | Conformity Assessment |
CAB | Conformity Assessment Body |
CABA | Continental Automated Buildings Association (North America's Home and Building Automation Association) |
CABAC | Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding |
CAC | Carrier Access Code |
CAC | Connection Admission Control |
CAD | Computer Aided Design |
CAGJES | Canadian Advisory Group on Joint Electrical Safety Committee |
CAI | Common Air Interface |
CAL | Common Application Language |
CALEA | Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act |
CAMA | Centralized Automatic Message Accounting |
CANACINTRA | Camara Nacional de la Industria de Transformacion (Mexico) |
CANIECE | Camara Nacional de la Industria Electronica Y de Communicaciones Electricas (Mexico) |
CAP | Carrier-less Amplitude modulation Phase modulation |
CAPI | Common API (ISDN) |
CAPCS | Cellular Auxiliary Personal Communications Service |
CARE | Carrier Access Records Exchange |
CAS | Channel Associated Signaling |
CAS | Customer Alert Signal |
CASCO | Committee on Conformity Assessment (ISO) |
CASE | Conformity Assessment System Evaluation (NIST) |
CASS | Common Air Satellite Structure |
CAT | Cellular Action Team (ECSP committee) |
CATS | Consortium for Audiographics Teleconferencing Standards |
CATV | Cable Television |
CAVE | Cellular Authentication and Voice Encryption Algorithm |
CAWG | Conformity Assessment Working Group (Trilateral) |
CB | Call Barring (TIA TR-34) |
CB | Certification Body |
CB | Citizen Band |
CBC | Call Bearer Control |
CBC | Cipher Block Chaining |
CBEMA | Computing Business Equipment Manufacturers Association (see ITI) |
CBP | Coded Block Pattern (H.261) |
CBPCM | Coded Block Pattern - Chrominance |
CBPC | Coded Block Pattern for Chrominance |
CBPY | Coded Block Pattern for Luminance |
CBR | Constant Bit Rate |
CC | Call Control |
CC | Common Carrier |
CC | Communication Capability field |
CC | Conference Call |
CC | Continuity Check (Rec. I.610) |
CC | Control Channel |
CCA | Common Cryptographic Algorithm |
CCAT | CDMA Card Application Kit |
CCB | Common Carrier Bureau |
CCBS | Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers |
CCI | Connection Control Interface |
CCIR | Comite consultatif international des radiocommunications |
CCITT | Comite consultatif international telegraphique et telephonique |
CCM | Call Connection Management |
CCM | Client Connection Manager |
CCNR | Completion of Calls on No Reply |
CCR | Call Connect Reliability |
CCR | Comparison Category Rating |
CCS | Common Channel Signaling |
CCSN | Common Channel Signaling Network |
CCSRL | Control Channel Segmentation and Reassembly Layer |
CCT | Channel Check Test |
CCT | Consultative Committee - Telecommunications (Trilateral) |
CD | Committee Draft |
CD | Communication Device |
CD | Compact Disk |
CD-ROM | Compact Disk-Read Only Memory |
CDCP | Call Detail Collect Point |
CDF | Cumulative Distribution Function |
CDG | CDMA Development Group |
CDGP | Call Detail Generation Point |
CDH | Cooperative Document Handling |
CDIS | Call Detail Information Source |
CDL | Coded Digital control channel Locator |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CDN | Content Distribution Network |
CDPD | Cellular Digital Packet Data |
CDR | Call Detail Recording |
CDRP | Call Detail Rating Point |
CDS | Caller Display Signaling |
CDTAC | FCC Consumer/Disability Telecommunications Advisory Committee |
CDV | Committee Draft for Vote, IEC |
CE | Capabilities Exchange |
CE | Core Experiment |
CEA | Consumer Electronics Association |
CEASD | Common ETSI Approach to Standards Development |
CeBIT | Trade show in Hannover, Germany |
CEBus | Consumer Electronics Bus |
CEC | Canadian Electric Code |
CEC | European Committee for Standardization |
CED | Called Station Identification (T.30) |
CEG | Card Expert Group (ETSI) |
CEG | Integrated Circuit Card Expert Group |
CELP | Code Excited Linear Prediction |
CEN | Commission Europeenne de Normalisation (European Standards Committee) |
CENELEC | Commission Europeenne de Normalisation Electrotechnique (European Electrotechnical Standards Committee) |
CEOC | Clear Embedded Operations Channel |
CEPT | Conference of European PTTs |
CER | Cell Error Ratio |
CES | Circuit Emulation Service |
CESID | Caller Emergency Station Identification |
CEXT | Central Office End Crosstalk |
CF | Call Forwarding |
CF | Center Frequencies |
CF | Communication Functions |
CFA | Carrier Failure Alarms (s) |
CFBL | Call Forward Busy Line/ Don't Answer |
CFI | Calling Feature Indicator |
CfP | Call for Proposal |
CFP | Computer Fax Protocol |
CFP | Cypher Feedback |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CFR | Confirmation to Receive |
CFU | Call Forwarding - Unconditional |
CG | Correspondence Group |
CGI | Control Grid Interpolation |
CH | Compare HDLC |
CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol |
CHASE | A class of algorithms for decoding block codes, after D. Chase |
CHS | Candidate Harmonized Standard |
CI | Call Indicator (V.8) |
CI | Calling Identity |
CI | Characteristic Impedance |
CI | Count Indicator |
CI | Customer Installation |
CI | Customer Interface |
C/I | Carrier to Interference Ratio |
CIA | Calling subscriber Internet Address |
CIAJ | Communications Industry Association of Japan |
CIB | Configuration Information Base |
CIC | Circuit Identifier Code |
CICES | Canadian Interference Causing Equipment Standard |
CICG | Centre International de Conferences Geneve (building used by ITU) |
CID | Caller Identification |
CIDCW | Calling Identity Delivery on Call Waiting |
CIDR | Classless Inter-Doman Routing |
CIELAB | a device-independent color space |
CIF | Common Intermediate Format |
CIG | Calling Subscriber Identification |
CILC | Canadian Interconnection Liaison Committee |
CIM | Common Information Model |
CIP | Component-Independent Palette |
CIR | Carrier to Interference Ratio |
CISC | CRTC Interconnection Steering Committee |
CISPR | International Special Committee on Radio Interference |
CISPR/I | Subcommittee of CISPR dealing with EMC of information technology, multimedia equipment, and receivers |
CIT | Charge-Rate Indication Teleservice |
CITEL | Comision Internanericana de Telecomunicaciones |
CJ | CM terminator |
ckt | circuit |
CL | Capabilities Select (see CR) |
CLAD | Cell Assembly/Disassembly |
CLASS | Bellcore service mark for signaling features such as Caller ID |
CLEC | Competitive Local Exchange Carriers |
CLEI | Common Language Equipment Identifiaction |
CLI | Calling Line Identification |
CLID | Calling Line Identity |
CLIP | Calling Line Identification Presentation |
CLIP | Calling Line ID Parameter |
CLLI | Common Language Location Identifier (Telcordia) |
CLNP | Connectionless Network Protocol |
CLR | Capabilities List Request |
CLR | Cell Loss Ratio |
CLR | Circuit Layout Record |
CM | Cable Modem |
CM | Call Manager |
CM | Call Menu (V.8) |
CM | Channel Management |
CM | Common Mode |
CM | Connection Management |
CMB | CRC Message Block (TIA-464-C) |
CMC | Common Mail Call |
CMC | Common Messaging Call |
CME | Circuit Multiplication Equipment |
CME | Communications Management Entity |
CMI | Controlled Mode Idle |
CMIP | Common Management Information Protocol |
CMIS | Common Management Information Services |
CMISE | Common Management Information Service Element |
CMMR | Common Mode Rejection |
CMMRD | Cellular Microcell/Microsystem Requirements Document |
CMN | Common information |
CMODES | Confidentiality Modes |
CMOS | Comparison Mean Opinion Score |
CMOS | Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
CMRS | Commercial Mobile Radio Services (U.S.) |
CMS | Call Management Server |
CMS | Call Management Signaling |
CMS | Circuit Multiplication System |
CMSS | Call Management Server Signaling protocol |
CMT | Cellular Messaging Teleservice |
CMTS | Cable Modem Termination System |
CMTSD | Cellular Mobile Telephone Service Descriptions |
CMTT | previous Joint CCIR/CCITT Study Group for Television and Sound Transmission |
CMY | Cyan, Magenta, Yellow |
CMYK | Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black |
CN | Corporate Network |
CNAD | Calling Name Delivery |
CNAP | Calling Name Presentation |
CNAR | Calling Name Restriction |
CNG | Calling Tone (T.30) |
CNG | Comfort Noise Generator |
CNI | Calling Number Identification |
CNI | Comfort Noise Insertion |
CNID | Calling Number Identification |
CNIP | Calling Number Identification Presentation |
CNIP | Calling Name Identity Presentation |
CNIR | Calling Number Identification Restriction |
CNP | Connection Negotiation Protocol |
CNR | Carrier to Noise Ratio |
CNRP | Common Name Resolution Protocol |
CO | Central Office |
COFETEL | Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones de Mexico |
CoIP | Conferencing over IP (IMTC Activity Group) |
COMM | comm.drv for Microsoft Windows |
CONNEG | Content Negotiations (IETF) |
COO | Cell of Origin |
COPEE | Council on Office Products Energy Efficiency |
COPS | Common Open Policy Service |
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture |
CORD | Cibernet On-line Roaming Database |
CoS | Class of Service |
COS | Corporation for Open Systems |
COS-OST | Corporation for Open Systems Executive Industry Group |
COSP | Customer Owned Outside Plant |
COST | Co-Operation in the field of Science and Technology research |
COTS | Commercial Off-The-Shelf |
CP | Communications Protocol |
CP | Continuous Presence (H.243) |
CP | Customer Premises |
CP | Cyclical Prefix |
CPA | Combined Paging/Access |
CPAN | Customer Premises Area Network |
CPAP | Customer Premises Access Profile |
CPCS | Common Part Convergence Sublayer |
CPE | Customer Premise Equipment |
CPEV | City Pair Polyethylene PVC |
CPF | Compatible Protocol Field |
CPF | Custom Picture Format |
CPH | Call Party Handling |
CP-IWF | Customer Premises - InterWorking Function (ATM Forum) |
CPL | Call Processing Language |
CPM | Conference Preparatory Meeting |
CPM | Continuous Presence Multipoint |
CPN | Calling Party Number |
CPN | Customer Premise Network |
CPS | Common Part Sublayer (ATMF) |
CPSII | Communications Protocol Stack Independent Interface |
CPS-TC | Control Specific Transmission Convergence |
CPT | Cellular Paging Teleservice |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CQ | CAS Signal |
CQ | Communication Quality |
CQP | IPCable2Home QoS Portal |
CQPSK | Compatible Differential Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (Digital Modulation) |
CR | Capabilities Request (see CL) |
CR | Change Request (TIPHON) |
CRe | Capabilities Request sent by autoanswering station at call initiation |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Code |
CRFP | Cordless Radio Fixed Parts |
CR-LDP | Constraint-based Routed Label Distribution Protocol (a protocol within MPLS) |
CRP | Command Repeat |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CRT | Chinese Remainder Theorem |
CRTC | Canadian Radio and Television Commission |
CRTS | Cellular Radio Telecommunications Service |
CRV | Call Reference Value |
CS | Canadian Standard |
CS | Circuit Switched |
CS1 | BICC Capability Set 1 |
CS2 | BICC Capability Set 2 |
CS-ACELP | Conjugate Structure ACELP |
CS-PDU | Convergence Sublayer - Protocol Data Unit |
CSA | Called Subscriber Internet Address |
CSA | Canadian Standards Association |
CSA | Carrier Serving Area |
CSC | Call Signalling Channel |
CSCI | Computer Software Configuration Item |
CSD | Coordinated Standards Document |
CSDN | Circuit Switched Data Network |
CSD-P | Circuit Switched Data, Point-to-Point Service |
CSE | Communication Service Equipment |
CSEP | Call Setup Error Probability |
CSF | Signaling Control Function |
CSFP | Call Setup Failure Probability |
CSI | Construction Specification Institute |
CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection |
CSN | Circuit-Switched Network |
CSO | Composite Second Order distortion |
CSO | Curvature of the Second Order |
CSPP | Computer System Policy Project |
CSR | Communications Standards Review |
CSS | Communication Systems Security |
CSS | Communications Standards Summary |
CSS | Composite Source Signal |
CSS | Convolutional Spectral Shaping |
CSTA | Computer Supported Telecommunications Applications |
CSU | Customer Service Unit |
CT | Call Trace |
CT2 | Cordless Telephone 2 (ETSI) |
CTA | Council For Terminal Attachment |
CTB | Composite Triple Beat |
CTE | Connected Telecommunications Equipment |
CTIA | Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association |
CTE | Connected Telecommunications Equipment |
CTE | Connected Terminal Equipment |
CTF | Consumer Telephone Forum (Telcordia) |
CTIA | Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association |
CTI | Computer Telephony Integration |
CTM | Cellular Text Telephone Modem |
CTM | Cordless Terminal Mobility |
CTN | Corporate Telecommunication Networks |
CTO | Chief Technical Officers |
CTP | Common Transport Protocol |
CTR | Common Technical Requirements |
CTRMP | Cordless Telephone Range Measurement Performance |
CTX | Centrex |
CU | Composite User |
CUG | Closed User Group |
CuT | codec under test |
CV | Code Violation |
CVoADSL | Channnelized Voice over ADSL |
CVoDSL | Channnelized Voice over DSL |
CVoSDSL | Channnelized Voice over SDSL |
CVSD | Continuous Variable Slope Detection |
CW | Call Waiting |
CW | Continuous Wave |
CWD | Call Waiting Deluxe |
CWID | Call Waiting ID |
CWP | Cost Work Program |
CYL | Complex stutter dial report |
-D- | |
D-AMPS | Digital AMPS |
D/A | Digital to Analog |
D/S | Downstream |
D/TT | Digital Tie Trunk |
DA | Delegated Authority |
DAA | Data Access Arrangement |
DAB | Digital Audio Broadcast |
DAC | D/A Converter |
DAL | Digital Access Line |
DAM | Diagnostic Acceptability Measurement |
DANS | Directory and Name Service |
DANS | Distributed Access Node System |
DAP | Document Application Profile |
DAS | Door Answering System |
DASE | DTV Application Software Environment |
DAT | Digital Audio Tape |
DAVIC | Digital Audio-Visual Council |
DAWS | Digital Advanced Wireless Service |
DB | Data Base |
DBA | Dynamic Bandwith Assignment |
DBM | Dual Bitmap |
DBMS | Data Base Management System |
DBS | Direct Broadcast Satellite |
DC | Data Compression |
DC | Direct Current (steady state) |
DC | Directionality Classification |
DCA | Dynamic Capacity Allocation |
DCC | Data Country Code |
DCC | Digital Control Channel |
DCCH | Digital Control Channel |
DCD | Data Carrier Detect |
DCE | Data Circuit terminating Equipment |
DCE | Digital Cellular Equipment |
DCF | Dispersion Compensation Fibers |
DCME | Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment |
DCMS | Digital Circuit Multiplication Systems |
DCN | Disconnect (T.30 ) |
DCP | Datagram Control Protocol (IETF) |
DCP | Digital Connectivity Probing |
DCOR | Draft technical Corrigendum (ISO/IEC) |
DCR | Degradation Category Rating |
DCS | Digital Cellular System |
DCS | Digital Command Signal (T.30) |
DCS | Digital Crossconnect System |
DCT | Data Calling Tone |
DCT | Discrete Cosine Transform |
DCT-U | Digital Cordless Telephone - U.S. |
DDI | Direct Dialing In |
DDoS | Distributed Denial of Service |
DDR | Document Discrepancy Report |
DDS | Digital Data Service |
DEC | Digital Extended Command (proposed T.30 extended negotiations) |
DECT | Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (ETSI) |
DEG | Draft ETSI Guide |
DELT | Double-Ended Loop Testing |
DEN | Directory Enabled Networks |
DEO | Digital End Office |
DER | Digital Extended Request (proposed T.30 extended negotiations) |
DES | Data Encryption Standard (U.S.) |
DES | Digital Extend Signal (T.30) |
DES | Draft European Standard |
DF | Data Compression Format (T.class2) |
DF | Deblocking Filter |
DFD | Displaced Frame Difference |
DFE | Decision Feedback Equalizer |
DFP | Distributed Functional Plane |
DFPA | Defense Fire Protection Association |
DF-STP | DeFault Signal Transmission Parameters |
DG | Drafting Group |
DGK | Directory GateKeeper |
DGN | Director General de Normas (SECOFI, Mexican Standards Organization) |
DGS | Digital Station |
DH | Diffie-Hellman protocol |
DHC | Dynamic Host Control |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Control Protocol (RFC 2131) |
DHE | Document Handling Equipment |
DI | Digital Interface |
DI | Distribution Interface |
DIAMETER | IETF protocol used for authentication, authorization and accounting |
DIC | Delay Interval Compensation |
DID | Direct Inward Dialing |
DIG | ISDN compatible Digital Station and tie trunk (TIA-646-B) |
DIL | Digital Impairment Learning |
DIMRS | Digital Integrated Mobile Radio System |
DIN | Deutsche Institut fur Normung (German Standardization Institute) |
DIS | Digital Identification Signal |
DIS | Draft International Standard (ISO) |
DISA | Defense Information Systems Agency |
DISXML | Extended Markup Language |
DJGPP | MSDOS port of gcc |
DKTS | Digital Key Telephone Station |
DLC | Digital Loop Carrier |
DLC | Dynamic Load Control |
DLCI | Data Link Connection Identifier |
DLL | Dynamic Link Library |
DLP | Data Protocol (H.DLP) |
DM | Differential Mode |
DMA | Direct Memory Access |
DMH | Data Message Handler |
DMI | Desktop Management Interface |
DMI | Draft Miscellaneous Work Item (ETSI) |
DMIF | DSM-CC Multimedia Integration Framework |
DMOS | Degradation MOS |
DMP | Downlink Measurement Protocol |
DMT | Discrete MultiTone |
DMTF | Desktop Management Task Force |
DMV | Differential Motion Vector |
DN | Directory Number |
DND | Do Not Disturb |
DNI | Digital Negotiation Information Signal |
DNIS | Dialed Number Identification Service |
DNK | Digital Not acKnowledge |
DNS | Domain Name Server |
DoC | Declaration of Conformity |
DOC | Department of Commerce |
DOC | Department of Communications (Canada) |
DOCSF | Display Oriented Color Space for Facsimile |
DOCSIS | Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification |
DoD | Department of Defense (U.S.) |
DOE | Department of Energy (U.S.) |
DOL | Data Off-Loading |
DoS | Denial of Service |
DOS | Department of State (U.S.) |
DP | Data Privacy |
DP | Data Pump |
DP | Dial Pulse |
DPA | Data Privacy Algorithm |
DPA | Document Printing Application |
DPBX | Digital PBX |
DPCM | Digital PCM Modem |
DPI | Dots Per Inch |
DPL | Digital Power Line (Q1/15) |
DPS | Data Partitioned Slice |
DPS | Dynamic Power Save |
DPNSS | Digital Private Network Signaling System |
DPSK | Differential Phase Shift Keying |
DPT | Distribution-Preserving Tomlinson |
DQoS | Dynamic Quality of Service |
DQUANT | Field for modified quantization mode (H.263+) |
DR | Discrepancy Report |
DRA | Dynamic Rate Adaptation |
DRC | Dynamic Rate Change |
DRM | Digital Rights Management |
DRQ | Disengage Request |
DRP | ear Drum Reference Point |
DRR | Dynamic Rate Repartitioning |
DRT | Diagnostic Rhyme Test |
DRUMS | Detailed Revision/Update of Message |
DS0 | 64 kbit/s Channel |
DS1 | 1.544 Mbit/s T1 Interface |
DS3 | 44.736 Mbit/s T3 Interface |
DSA | Directory System Authentication |
DSAA | DECT Standard Authentication Algorithm |
DSAP | Data Services Access Profile |
DSAT | Digital Supervisory Audio Tone |
DSC | DECT Standard Cipher |
DSC | Dedicated Signaling Channel |
DSCP | Differentiated Services Code Point |
DSI | Digital Speech Interpolation |
DSL | Digital Subscriber Line |
DSL | Document SeLection |
DSLAM | DSL Access Multiplexer |
DSLF | DSL Forum |
DSL-TILC | DSL Test Implementation Liaison Committee (Japan) |
DSM-CC | Digital Storage Media - Command and Control |
DSMCC | Digital System Multimedia Communication Control |
DSN | Delivery Status Notification |
DSN | Disposition Service Notification |
DSNG | Digital Satellite News Gathering |
DSP | Digital Signal Processing |
DSR | Data Set Ready |
DSR | Distributed Speech Recognition |
DSR | Dynamic Symbol Reordering |
DSREQ | Data Service Request |
DSS1 | Digital Subscriber Signaling 1 |
DST | Destination host |
DSU | Data Service Unit |
DSV | Distributed Speaker Verification |
DSVD | Digital SVD |
DSX | Digital Signal Cross-Connect |
DT | Dual Tone |
DTA | Digital Terminal and Access Project (ETSI) |
DTAAB | DECT Technical Advisory Ad hoc Board |
DTAM | Document Transfer Access Method |
DTAP | Direct Transfer Application Part |
DTC | Digital Traffic Channel |
DTC | Digital Transmit Command |
DTC | Domain Traffic Class |
DTCX | Double Transcompression |
DTD | Document Type Definition |
DTE | Data Terminal Equipment |
DTG | Digital TV Group (UK) |
DTIF | Disabilities Issues Task Force |
DTL | Designated Transit List |
DTM | Dynamic synchronousTransfer Mode |
DTMF | Dual Tone Multi Frequency |
DTR | Data Terminal Ready |
DTR | Draft Technical Report (ETSI) |
DTS | Definitive Telefax Standard |
DTV | Digital Television |
DTX | Discontinuous Transmission |
DUT | Device Under Test |
DV | Digital Video |
DVB | Digital Video Broadcasting |
DVB-CSA | Digital Video Broadcasting - Common Scrambling Algorithm |
DVB-MUG | Digital Video Broadcasting Ð MHP Umbrella Group |
DVB-S | Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite |
DVB-T | DVB Terrestrial |
DVCC | Digital Verification Color Code |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disk (also Digital Video Disk) |
DVEM | Differential Vector Error Magnitude |
DWDM | Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing |
More Acronym Definitions: