More Acronym Defintions:
-E- | |
E | 20 bit sequence |
E&M | Ear and Mouth: Separate signaling lines |
E/O | Electrical/Optical converter |
E2E | End to End |
EA | European Accreditation |
EBNF | Extended Backus-Naur Form |
EBU | European Broadcasting Union |
ebXML | electronic business XML Consortium |
EC | Echo Canceled |
EC | Echo Canceler |
EC | Echo Control |
EC | Error Control (TR-29) |
EC | Error Correction |
EC | European Commission |
EC | Exchange Carriers |
ECAN | Echo Cancellation |
ECB | Electronic Codebook |
ECC | Expanded Control Channel |
ECCA | European Cable Communications Association |
ECDC | Error Correction / Data Compression |
ECE | Echo Cancellation Equipment |
ECIC | Electronic Communications Implementation Committee |
ECM | Error Correction Mode |
ECMA | European Communications Manufacturers Association |
ECN | Encoding Control Notation (ASN.1) |
ECR | Engineering Change Request |
ECS | Emergency Calling Service |
ECSD | Enhancement of High Speed Circuit Switched Data |
ECSP | Electronic Communications Service Provider |
ECSQ | Entropy Constrained Scalar Quantization |
ECT | Explicit Call Transfer |
ECTA | European Competitive Telecommunications Association |
ECTEL | European Telecommunications and Professional Electronics Industry |
ECTF | Enhanced Communication and Transport Service |
ECTF | Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum |
ECTRA | European Commission of Telecommunications Regulatory Authorities |
EC-VBR | Embedded Coding Variable Bit Rate |
ECVQ | Entropy Constrained Vector Quantization |
EDACS | Enhanced Digital Access Communications System |
EDC | Electronic Document Coordinator |
EDCF | European Digital Cinema Forum |
EDD | Electronic Document Distribution |
EDGE | Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution |
EDH | Electronic Document Handling |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
EDSL | Emerging DSL (DSL Forum Study Group) |
EDSLSG | Emerging DSL Study Group (DSL Forum) |
EDT | European Deaf Telephone |
EE | Equipment Engineering (ETSI Technical Committee) |
EEA | European Economic Area |
EEC | European Economic Community |
EEMAC | Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association of Canada |
EEP | Equal Error Protection |
EES | Escrow Encryption Standard |
EFC | Extended Fast Connect |
EFIS | Electronic Flight Instrument Systems |
EFM | Ethernet in the First Mile (IEEE 802.3ah) |
EFR | Enhanced Full Rate |
EFRC | Enhanced Full Rate Codec |
EFT | Electrical Fast Transient |
EFTA | European Free Trade Area |
EG | ETSI Guide |
EG | Expert Group |
EG AN | ETSI Guide Access Network |
EGDIR | Expert Group DIRectory system (EWOS) |
EGMHS | Expert Group Message Handling System (EWOS) |
EGPRS | Enhanced General Packet Radio System |
EHS | European Home Standards |
EI | Enhancement Intra (pictures, H.263) |
EI | Error Indicator |
EIA | Electronic Industries Alliance |
EIAJ | EIA Japan |
EIC | Equipment Installer's Code |
EICTA | European Information and Communications Technology Industry Association |
EICAS | Engine Indicating and Condition Advisory System |
EID | Equipment Identifier |
EID | Error Insertion Device |
eifax | extended internet fax |
EII | European Information Infrastructure |
EIRP | Effective Isotropic Radiated Power |
EIU | Extension In-Use |
ELAWG | EMC Laboratories Accreditation Working Group |
ELCP | Emulated Loop Control Protocol (ATMF, ETSI) |
ELFEXT | Equal Level Far-End Crosstalk |
EM | Electromagnetic |
EMA | Electronic Messaging Association |
EMC | ElectroMagnetic Compatibility |
EMC | Equipment Manufacturer's Code |
EMCS | ElectroMagnetic Compatibility Society |
EME | Electromagnetic Emissions |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
EMI | Exchange Message Interface (Bellcore standard for data transmission between RBOC/LEC and the IC/IXC/IEC) |
EMP | Extended Megaco Package |
EMS | Element Management System |
EMS | Emergency Services |
EMT | Electrical Metal Tubing |
E-MTA | Embedded Multimedia Terminal Adapter |
EMTEL | Emergency Telecommunications |
EN | Enterprise Network |
EN | European Norm |
ENP | Extended Negotiation Procedure |
ENUM | tElephone NUmbering Mapping (IETF) |
EOB | End of Block |
EOC | Embedded Operations Channel |
EOI | End of Image |
EOL | End of Line (T.4) |
EOM | End of Message (T.30) |
EOR/ERR | End of Retransmission/ Response for End of Retransmission |
EOS | End of Selection |
EOS | End of Sequence |
EOSBS | End of Sub-Bitstream |
EOS-PPS | End of Selection for selective polling applications |
EOT | End of Transmission |
E-OTD | Enhanced Observed Time Difference |
EP | End Point (Q14/9, MediaHomeNet) |
EP | Enhancement Predicted (pictures, H.263) |
EP | Error Pattern |
EP | Error Propagation |
EP | ETSI Project |
EP | Extended Protocol |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
EP-CN | ETSI Project Corporate Network |
EP-DTA | ETSI Project Digital Terminal Access |
EP-EASI | ETSI Project-European ATM Services Interoperability |
EPG | Electronic Programming Guides |
EPHOS | European Procurement Handbook for Open Systems |
EPIIC | European Program on Information Infrastructure Committee |
EPIISG | European Project on Information Infrastructure Starter Group |
EPL | Echo Path Loss |
EPM | Enter Parameter Mode |
EPP | ETSI Partnership Project |
EPT | Echo Protect Time |
ERC | European Radio Committees |
EREC | Error Resilient Entropy Code/Error Robust Entropy Code |
ERF | Emergency Related Forwarding |
ERL | Echo Return Loss |
ERM | ETSI committee on EMC and Radio spectrum Matters |
ERP | Ear Reference Point |
ERP | Effective Radiated Power |
ERP | EOC Register Protocol |
ERPS | Enhanced Reference Picture Selection |
ES | Echo Suppressor |
ES | Elementary Stream |
ES | Emergency Services |
ES | Errored Seconds |
ES | Escape Sequence |
ES | Escape Signal |
ES | ETSI Standard |
ES | Express Swapping |
ESD | Echo Suppressor Devices |
ESD | ElectroStatic Discharge |
ESF | Extended SuperFrame |
ESI | Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures |
ESI | Emergency Services Interface |
ESLR | Equivalent SLR |
ES/MS | Escape Signal/Mode Select |
ESMR | Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio |
ESMTP | Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
ESN | Electronic Serial Number |
ESNX | Expanded Electronic Serial Number |
ESPM | Extended System Parameters Message |
ESRD | Emergency Services Routing Digits |
ESS | Enhanced Signaling Systems |
eSTL | evolving STL |
ET | Emergency Telecommunications |
ET | (FCC) Office of Engineering and Technology |
E-TDMA | Extended Time Division Multiple Access |
ETIB | European Telecoms Intelligence Bulletin |
ETNO | European Telecom. Network Organization |
ETNS | European Telephony Numbering Space |
ETO | European Telecommunications Office |
ETP | European Telecommunications Platform |
ETR | ETSI Technical Report |
ETS | Emergency Telecommunications Service |
ETS | European Telecommunications Standard (ETSI) |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
EU | European Union |
EU MRA | European Union Mutual Recognition Agreements |
EURESCOM | European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications |
EUROBIT | European Association of Manufacturers of Business Machines and Information Technology |
EUT | Equipment Under Test |
EV | Embedded VBR |
EVRC | Enhanced Variable Rate Codec |
EWL | Equivalent Working Length |
EWOS | European Workshop on Open Systems |
EWP | ETSI Work Program |
EXOR | Exclusive OR |
EXP | Equal Erasure Protection |
EZW | Embedded Zero-tree Wavelet (coding) |
-F- | |
FA | Flexible Alerting |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration (U.S.) |
FACCH | Fast Associated Control Channel |
FAMOUS | Future Advanced Mobile Universal System |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulations (U.S.) |
FAS | Facility Associated Signaling |
FAS | Frame Alignment Signal |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation (U.S.) |
FBM | FEXT Bit Map mode (G.992.1, Annex C) |
FC | Feature Code |
FC | Type of commercial fiber optic connector (Threaded) |
FC-PH | Fibre Channel Physical and Signaling Interface (ANSI X3) |
FCA | Fixed Channel Allocation |
FCAPS | Faults, Configuration, Accounting, Performance and Security (ISO) |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission (U.S.) |
FCD | Fast Track Committee Draft (ISO) |
FCF | Facsimile Control Field (T.30) |
FCF | Forward Control Field |
FCS | Frame Check Sequence |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration (U.S.) |
FDAM | Final Draft AMendment (ISO) |
FDD | Frequency Division Duplexing |
FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface |
FDM | Frequency Division Multiplexing |
FDIS | Final Draft International Standard (ISO) |
FDM | File Diagnostic Messages |
FDMA | Frequency Division Multiple Access |
FDX | Full Duplex |
FE | Facilities Exchange |
FE | Functional Entities |
FEAL | Fast Encryption Algorithm |
FEC | Forward Error Correction |
FEC | Frame Erasure Concealment |
FECC | Far End Camera Control |
FE-EC | Far End - Echo Canceller |
FEF | Flat Equalized FEXT |
FEI | Federation of Electronic Industries (UK) |
FEQ | Frequency Domain Equalizer |
FER | Frame Error Rate |
FEXT | Far End Cross Talk |
FF | Feed Forward |
FFPIM | Full-mode Facsimile Profile of Internet Mail |
FFS | For Further Study |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform |
FG | Focus Group |
FG | Functional Group |
FGS | Fine Granularity Scalability |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration (U.S.) |
FI | Format Identifier |
FIF | File Interchange Format |
FIFO | First In First Out |
FIPS | Federal Information Processing Standard |
FIR | Finite Impulse Response |
FL | Facilities List |
FLC | Fixed Length Codeword |
FLMTS | Future Land Mobile Telephony Systems |
FLP | FLexible Precoding |
FM | Fault Management |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FMS | Flight Management Systems |
FMT | Filtered MultiTone |
FNA | Functional Network Architecture |
FNE | Fixed Network Equipment |
FNV | Field Not Valid |
FNV | Frame Not Valid |
FO | Fiber Optic (TIA) |
FO | Foreign Office |
FOC | Fiber Optic Connector |
FOCIS | Fiber Optic Connector Intermateability Standard |
FoIP | Fax over Internet Protocol |
FOM | Figure of Merit |
FOREG | Forced Registration Flag |
FOTAG | Fiber Optic TAG |
FOTP | Fiber Optic Test Procedure |
FP | Fixed Part |
FPDAM | Final Proposed Draft Amendment |
FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array |
FPH | Freephone |
FPLMTS | Future Public Land Mobile Telephone Systems |
FPP | Frames Per Packet |
FPS | Frames Per Second |
fps | frames per second |
FR | Federal Regulation (US) |
FR | Frame Relay |
FR | Full Reference |
FRAPI-A | An ISDN Architecture in use in Japan |
FRC | Full Rate Codec |
FRF | Frame Relay Forum |
FRS | Florida Relay Service |
FS | Fixed Satellite |
FS | Frame Size |
FS | Full Service |
FSA | Framework Study Areas |
FSAN | Full Service Access Networks Consortium |
FSK | Frequency Shift Keying |
FSM | Finite State Machine (H.323 Gatekeeper) |
FSRA | Fast Seamless Rate Adaptation |
FSS | Fixed Satellite Service |
FS VDSL | Full Service VDSL (FSAN Committee) |
FT | Fixed Terminals |
FT | Fixed radio Terminal |
FTAA | Free Trade Area of the Americas |
FTAM | File Transfer, Access and Management |
FTBP | File Transfer Body Part |
FTC | Field Transform Coding |
FTH | Class 1 command HDLC transmit |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FTP | Foiled Twisted Pair |
FTRI | Florida Telecommunications Relay, Inc. ( |
FTT | Failure To Train |
FTTB | Fiber To The Building |
FTTC | Fiber To The Curb |
FTTCab | Fiber To The Cabinet |
FTTEx | Fiber To The Exchange |
FTTH | Fiber To The Home |
FTTO | Fiber to the Office |
FTTx | Fiber to all the different places (curb, building, cabinet, home, etc.) |
FUNI | Frame Based UNI |
FVC | Forward Voice Channel |
FW | Firewall |
FWA | Fixed Wireless Access |
FWI | Flash With Info |
FWUF | Federal Wireless Users Forum (U.S.) |
Fx | Crossover Frequency |
FX | Foreign eXchange |
FXS | Foreign Exchange Station |
FYI | For Your Information |
-G- | |
G3FT | G3 FX Teleservice |
G3G | Global Third Generation |
GA | General Assembly (ETSI) |
GAL | Graphics Adapter Language |
GAP | Generic Access Profile |
GASP | Gatekeeper Synchronization Protocol |
GAT | Generic Application Template |
GAT | Group Audio Terminal (ITU Rec. P.300) |
GATT | General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs |
GBSC | Group of Blocks Start Code |
GCAC | Generic CAC |
GCC | Generic Conference Control |
GDMO | Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects |
GDMO | Generic Definition of Managed Objects |
GDR | Global Desired Receive (PSD) |
GEF | Generic Extensibility Framework |
GEM | Globally Executable MHP |
GENA | General Event Notification Architecture |
GEO | Geostationary Earth Orbit |
GETS | Government Emergency Telecommunications Service |
GF | Generic Functional Procedures |
GFID | GOB frame identification |
GFP | Generic Frame Protocol |
GFR | Guaranteed Frame Rate (ATM Forum) |
gi | gains information |
GI | Graded Index |
GIDS | Global IP Directory Service |
GIDS | Global IP telephony Database Service |
GII | Global Information Infrastructure |
GIIF | Global ISDN & Future Access Technologies Industry Forum, |
GISN | Global IP-Telephony Subscriber Number |
GIT | Generic Identifier Transport |
GK | GateKeeper |
GLP | Geographic Location Profile |
GMC | Global Motion Compensation |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System |
GMII | Gigabit Media Independent Interface |
GMM | Global Multimedia Mobility |
GMR | Geostationary Mobile Radio |
GMSK | Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying |
GMVC | Global Motion Vector Coding |
GN | GOB Number (H.263) |
GNATT | Generic Enhanced Teleservice Transport |
GOB | Group of Blocks (H.261, H.263) |
GOF | Glass Optical Fiber |
GONOW | ETSI NA Task Force, Managed by European Projuction Information Infrastructure Coordination (EPIC) |
GOP | Group of Pictures |
GoS | Grade of Service |
GOSIP | Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile |
GOSS | Guide to Open Systems Specification |
G-PAD | Generalized polling protocol - Packet Assembly/Disaaembly |
GPCAS | Global Product Conformity Assessment System |
GPM | General Page Message |
GPON | Gigabit-per-second Passive Optical Networks |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GRJ | Gatekeeper Reject |
GRP | Good Regulatory Practices |
GRQ | Gatekeeper Discovery Request |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
GSA | General Services Administration |
GSC | GOB Start Code |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications |
GSMP | General Switch Management Protocol Working Group (IETF) |
GSN | Global Subscriber Number |
GSO | Geostationary Satellite Orbit |
GSR | GPON Service Requirement |
GSS | Generalized Spectral Shaping |
GSS | Generic Security Application Programming Interface |
GSS | Generic Security Service |
GSS | Generic Supplementary Services |
GSTN | General Switched Telephone Network (i.e., PSTN) |
GT | Global Title |
GTA | Global Title Address |
GTAAB | GSM Technical Advisory Ad hoc Board |
GTAI | Global Title Address Information |
GTD | Generic Transparency Descriptor |
GTSC | Global Telecommunication Standardization Collaboration (formerly the GSC) |
GTT | Global Text and Total conversation services (3GPP) |
GTT | Global Title Translation |
GUI | Graphical User Interface |
GUP | Gatekeeper Update Protocol |
GW | GateWay |
GWC | GateWay Controller |
GWLOC | Gateway Location protocol |
-H- | |
H/W | Hardware |
HAC | Hearing Aid Compatible |
HAM | Amateur Radio |
HAN | Home ATM Network |
HAT | Hadamard Transform (JVT) |
HATIS | Hearing Aid Telephone Interconnect System |
HATS | Head and Torso Simulator |
HC | Header Counter |
HDLC | High level Data Link Control |
HDLU | High speed Dynamic Link Unit |
HDML | Handheld Device Markup Language, a forerunner of WML |
HDSL | High-rate Digital Subscriber Line |
HDTV | High Definition Television |
HDX | Half Duplex |
HE | High End |
HEC | Header Error Count (ATM) |
HE-LPC | Harmonic Excitator Linear Predictive Coder |
HEMP | High Energy Electromagnetic Pulses |
HE-RSVP | Head End Resource ReSerVation Protocol |
HES | Home Electronic System |
HF | High Frequency |
HF | Human Factors |
HFC | Hybrid Fiber Coax |
HFCI | The H.323 Firewall Control Interface |
HFR | Hybrid Fibre Radio |
HFT | Hands Free Telephone |
HFTP | Hybrid-Fiber Twisted Pair |
HFX | Hawthorne Facsimile Cipher |
HHR | Half-Horizontal Resolution (352 by 480 or 576) |
HI | High Impedance |
HIA | Hearing Industries Association |
HINE | Heterogeneous In-house Networking Environment |
HIPERLAN | High Performance Radio Local Area Network |
HIPPI | High-Performance Parallel Interface |
HKM | Hawthorne Key Management |
HLC | Higher Layer Compatibility |
HLF | Home Location Function |
HLI | High Layer Information |
HLR | Home Location Register |
HLTF | High Level Task Force |
HLTG | High Level Task Group |
HMAC | Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication |
H-MLP | High Speed Multi Layer Protocol |
HN | Home Network |
HNI | Home Network Identity |
HNS | Hughes Network Systems |
HNOS | Home NetWork Operating System |
HNW | Home NetWork (VESA) |
HO | Hand Off |
HomePNA | Home Phoneline Networking Alliance |
HPC | High Probability of Completion |
HPCI | Harmonized Programmable Communications Interface |
HPF | High Pass Filter |
HPL | Home-Phone LAN |
HPLI | Higher Layer Protocol Identifiers |
HPNA | Home Phoneline Network Alliance |
HPUX | Unix for HP workstations |
HRC | Half Rate Codec |
HRC | Hypothetical Reference Circuits |
HRD | Hypothetical Reference Decoder |
HRDJ1 | Hardwired Jack |
HRPD | High Rate Packet Data |
HS | Harmonized Standards |
HSCSD | High Speed Circuit Switched Data |
HSD | High Speed Data Channel |
HSG3 | High Speed V.34 HDX Fax |
HSM | High Speed Modem |
HSP | Host Signal Processing |
HSRC | Hypotherical Signaling Reference Connection |
HSSG | High Speed Study Group (IEEE) |
HSSI | High Speed Serial Interface |
HST | US Robotics proprietary half duplex modulation |
HSTU-C | High Speed Transceiver Unit - Central |
HSTU-R | High Speed Transceiver Unit - Remote |
HTML | Hyper Text Markup Language |
HTTP | HyperText Transport Protocol |
HTU-C | Handshake Transceiver Unit - Central Office End |
HTU-R | Handshake Transceiver Unit - Remote Terminal End |
HW | Hardware |
HWCI | Hardware Configuration Item |
More Acronym Defintions: