More Acronym Definitions:
-N- | |
N | Newtons |
NA | Network Aspects (ETSI TC) |
NA | North America |
NAB | National Association Of Broadcasters |
NACK | Negative Acknowledgment |
NACLA | National Cooperation for Laboratory Accreditation |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement |
NAG | Network Architecture Group (DSL Forum) |
NAG | Network Reference Models, Acronyms and Definitions, and Guide to Standards Ad Hoc (TIA TR-45) |
NAI | Network Access Identifier (RFC 2468) |
NAK | Negative Acknowledgment |
NAK-NS | Negative Acknowledgment - Not Supported |
NAK-NU | Negative Acknowledgment - Not Understood |
NAL | Network Adaptation Layer |
NALAG | Network Adaptation Layer Ad hoc Group |
NAM | Number Assignment Module |
NAMPS | Narrowband AMPS |
NANC | North American Numbering Council |
NANP | North American Numbering Plan |
NANPA | North American Numbering Plan Administrator |
NAP | Network Access Provider |
NAPT | Network Address Port Translation |
NAPTR | Naming Authority Pointer |
NAR | Numbering, Addressing and Routing Committee of ETSI NA2 |
NASNA | National Association of State 9-1-1 Administrators |
NAS | Network Access Servers |
NASRNG | Network Access Server Requirements |
NAT | Network Address Translation |
NATA | North American Telephone Association |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NAVDEC | Network Access Server and Voice on IP Device Control |
NA/WCPE | North American WCPE |
NB | Narrow Band |
NBC | Non-backward Compatible |
NBDG | New Business Development Group |
NBS | Net Broadcast Service |
NBS | Network Based Solution |
NBSP | NarrowBand Signal Power |
NC | Network Codes |
NCA | Non-Call Associated |
NCAG | Network Commonality Ad Hoc Group |
NCC | Network Control Center |
NCG | Number Consulting Group (Bellcore) |
NCaps | Capabilities with No sub-fields |
NCAS | Non-Call Associated Signaling |
NCITS | National Committee for Information Technology Standards |
NCP | Network Connection Point |
NCRP | National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurement |
NCS | Network Call Signaling |
NCS | Nurse Call System |
NCTA | National Cable Television Association |
NCTE | Network Circuit Terminating Equipment |
ND | NSF Message data Indication |
NDA | Non-Disclosure Agreement |
NDB | Networked DataBase Service |
NDC | National Destination Code (ITU) |
NDIS | Network Driver Interface Specification |
NDSS | Network Directed System Selection |
NE | Network Element |
NEBS | Network Equipment Building System, a Bellcore environmental requirements specification |
NEC | National Electric Code (U.S.) |
NECA | National Electrical Contractors Association |
NECA | National Exchange Carrier Association |
NECQ | National Electronic Components Quality Assessment System |
NE-EC | Near End - Echo Canceller |
NEMA | National Electrical Manufacturers Association |
NENA | National Emergency Number Association |
NESC | National Electric Safety Code |
NET | Norme Europeenne de Telecommunication |
NEXT | Near End Cross Talk |
NFPA | National Fire Protection Agency |
ng | Next Generation |
NGDLC | Next Generation Digital Loop Carrier |
NGN | Next Generation Network |
NGN SG | Next Generation Network Starter Group |
NGNA | Next Generation Network Access |
NGN-IG | Next Generation Network Implementation Group |
NGOF | Next Generation Optical Fiber |
NGOSS | New Generation Operations Support Systems (TM Forum) |
NGSO | Non-Geostationary Satellite Orbit |
NHRP | Next Hop Resolution Protocol |
NHTSA | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration |
NI | National ISDN |
NI | Network Interface |
NIA | Network Indicate Address (H.230) |
NIBS | National Institute for Building Standards |
NIC | Network Interface Card |
NID | Network Identification |
NID | Network Interface Device |
NID | Network Interface or Demarcation |
NIDAB | Narrow Band Digital Broadcasting |
NII | National Information Infrastructure |
NIO | Network Input Output |
NIP | Number Identification Presentation |
NISDN | National ISDN |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology (US) |
N-ISDN | Narrowband ISDN |
N-ISUP | Narrowband ISDN User Part |
NIU | Network Interface Unit |
NIUF | North American ISDN Users Forum |
NLA | Next-Level Aggregation (RFC2450) |
NLD | Non-Linear Distortion |
N-LLC | Narrowband Logical Link Control |
NLP | Non-Linear Processor |
nm | Nanometer |
NM | Network Management |
NMAG | Network Management Ad hoc Group |
NMC | Network Management Center |
NMC | Network Model Coverage |
NMDS | Narrowband Multi-service Delivery System |
NMF | Network Management Forum |
NMS | Network Management System |
NMSI | National Mobile Station Identification |
NMT | Nordic Mobile Telephony |
NMX | Normas Mexicanas (non-mandatory Mexican standard) |
NNI | Network to Network Interface |
NO PROBLEM | NOn PROprietary reliaBLe Electronic Mail |
NOA | Nature of Address |
NOF | Network Operations Forum |
NOI | Notice of Inquiry |
NOM | Mexican National Standards |
NP | Network Provider |
NP | Non-Public |
NP | Number Portability |
NPA | Network Provider Access |
NPA | Numbering Plan Area |
NPI | Numbering Plan Indicator |
NPID | Network Provider Identification |
NPR | Noise Power Ratio |
NPRM | Notice of Proposed Rule Making (FCC) |
NPRP | Number Portability Routing Protocol (ETSI TIPHON Project) |
NR | No Reference |
NR | Noise Reduction |
NR | Nordstrom-Robinson (FEC) |
NRA | National Regulatory Authority |
NRC | Negotiated Rulemaking Committee |
NRC | Network Reliability Council |
NRIC | National Reliability and Interoperability Commission (US) |
NRM | Network Reference Model |
NRTL | Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory |
NRZ | Non-Return to Zero |
NRZI | Non-Return to Zero on Ones |
NS-cap | Non-Standard capability |
NS/EP | National Security and Emergency Preparedness |
NSA | National Security Agency (U.S.) |
NSAP | Network Service Access Point |
NSB | National Standardization Body |
NSC | Non-Standard Facilities Command |
NS/EP | National Security/Emergency Preparedness |
NSF | Network-Specific Facilities |
NSF | Non-Standard Facilities |
NSIE | Network Security Information Exchange |
NSIS | Next Steps In Signaling |
NSMA | National Spectrum Managers Association |
NSO | National Standard Organization |
NSP | Network Service Provider |
NSRA | Normal Seamless Rate Adaptation |
NSRP | Numbered SRP response frames |
NSS | Non-Standard Setup |
NSTAC | National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee |
NT | Network Termination |
NTCA | National Telephone Cooperative Association |
NTE | Network Terminating Equipment |
NTIA | National Telecommunications and Information Administration |
NTP | Network Termination Point |
NTP | Network Time Protocol |
NTQ | Near Toll Quality |
NTR | Network Timing Reference |
NTRAC | New Technical Regulations Approval Committee (former TRAC), ETSI |
NTSC | National Television System Committee |
NTT | Nippon Telephone and Telegraph |
NTU | Network Terminating Unit |
NVCASE | National Voluntary Conformity Assessment System Evaluation |
NVLAP | National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program |
NVOD | Near Video on Demand |
NVRAM | Non-Volatile RAM |
NWI | New Work Item |
NWK | Network, Layer 3 of the WCPE protocol stack |
NYCE | Certification Body accredited by SECOFI (Mexico) |
-O- | |
O&M | Operations and Maintenance |
O&NM | Operations and Network Management working group (DSL Forum) |
O&P | Ordering & Provisioning Committee (ATIS) |
O/E | Optical/Electrical converter |
OA&M | Operations, Administration, and Maintenance |
OAA | On Air Activation |
OAM | Operations, Administration, and Maintenance |
OAM&P | Operations, Administration, Maintenance & Provisioning |
OAN | Optical Access Network |
OAP | One step Approval Procedure (ETSI) |
OAS | Organization of American States |
OATS | Over-the-Air Activation TeleService |
OBMC | Overlapped Block Motion Compensation |
OBF | Ordering and Billing Forum |
OBP | On-Board Processing |
OC | Operation Channel |
OCAP | OpenCable Applications Platform |
OCCS | Overall Construction Classification System |
OCD | Out of Cell Delineation (UNI 3.0) |
OCDMA | Orthogonal CDMA |
OCG | Operational Coordination Group (ETSI) |
OCG | Overall Coordination Group |
OCI | Open Circuit Interval |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition |
ODA | Open Document Architecture |
ODBC | Open DataBase Connectivity |
ODL | Object Definition Language |
ODN | Optical Distribution Network (G.983.1) |
ODP | Open Distributed Processing |
ODP | Originator Detection Pattern (V.42) |
ODTC | Office of Defense Trade Controls (US) |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OET | Office of Engineering and Technology (FCC) |
OFB | Output Feedback |
OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing |
OFS | Operational Fixed Service (Microwave) |
OFSTP | Optical Fiber Systems Test Procedure |
Oftel | British Office of Telecommunications |
OGM | Out-Going Message |
OHG | Operator Harmonization Group |
OHAN | International Conference of Optical Hybrid Access Networks |
OI | Outline of Investigation |
OID | Object Identifiers |
OIF | Optical Internetworking Forum |
OIW | Open Systems Implementers Workshop |
OJ | Official Journal |
OJEC | Official Journal of the European Communities |
OLC | Open Logical Channel |
OLR | On-Line Reconfiguration |
OLR | Overall Loudness Rating |
OLT | Optical Line Termination |
OM | Object Model |
OM | Optical fiber Multimode category |
OMCC | ONT Management and Control Channel |
OMCI | ONT Management and Control Interface (G.983.2) |
OMG | Object Management Group |
OMT | Overhead Message Train |
ONE | Other Network Entities (Omega Networks) |
ONP | Open Network Provision |
ONS | On Premise Station |
ONT | Optical Network Termination |
ONU | Optical Network Unit |
OOB | Out of Band |
OOF | Out of Frame |
OPASTCO | Organization for the Promotoion and Advancement of Small Telecommunications Companies |
OpenVoB | Voice over Broadband |
OPS | Off Premise Station |
OPTIS | Overlapped PAM Transmission with InterlockingSpectra |
OPTS | Over-the-Air Programming Teleservice |
O-QAM | Orthogonally multiplexed QAM |
ORDQ | Order Qualification |
ORREQ | Origination Request |
OS | Operating System |
OS | Optical fiber Singlemode category |
OSA | Open Service Architecture (3GPP) |
OSH | Occupational Safety and Health |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (U.S.) |
OSI | Open Switching Interval |
OSI | Open System Interconnection |
OSN | One Stop Notification |
OSP | Open Settlement Protocol |
OSP | OutSide Plant |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First |
OSS | Operations Support Systems |
OTA | Over-the-Air Activation |
OTAFG | OTA Focus Group |
OTAPA | Over-the-Air Parameter Administration |
OTAR | Over-the-Air Rekeying (APCO Project 25) |
OTASP | OTA Service Provisioning |
OTDR | Optical Time Domain Reflectometer |
OTFI | One Time Feature Indicator |
OTI | Open Telecom Infrastructure |
OTN | Optical Network Terminal |
OTNT | Optical Transport Networks and Technologies |
OVR | Overall Transmission Quality Rating (R) |
-P- | |
P | Predicted (JVT) |
P&A | Privacy and Authentication |
PA | Partial Agreement |
PA | Pass Along (Operation code) |
PABX | Private Automatic Branch eXchange |
PAC | Program Advisory Committee |
PACA | Priority Access and Channel Assignment |
PACA-E | Enhanced Priority Access and Channel Assignment Supplement Service |
PACC | Partition, Aggregation and Conditional Coding |
PACS | Personal Access Communications System, Licensed Band |
PAC-U | Personal Access Communications System, Unlicensed Band |
PAD | Packet Assembler Disassembler |
PAG | Practical Application Guidelines |
PAGODA | Profile Alignment Group on ODA |
PAL | Phase Alteration Line |
PAM | Pulse Amplitude Modulation |
PAMS | Perceptual Analysis/Measurement System |
PAR | Peak to Average Ratio |
PAR | Pixel Aspect Ratio |
PARLAY | open, multi-vendor forum organized to create open, technology independent Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) |
PAS | Publicly Available Specification |
PASC | PCS Access Service for Radio Controllers |
PAT | Port Address Translation |
PB | Personal Base |
PB | Predicted and Bi-directional |
PBNM | Policy Based Network Management |
PBO | Power Back Off |
PBS | Personal Base Station |
PBX | Private Branch Exchange |
PC | Personal Computer |
PC | Protocol Council (ICANN PSO) |
PC_SSN | Point Code Sub-System Number |
PCA | Password Call Acceptance |
PCA | Policy Group proposal on CA |
PCB | Power Cut Back |
PCC | Per Call Control |
PCC | Pre-activation Communications Channel |
PCC | Private Control Channel |
PCC 1 | Permanent Consultative Committee (CITEL) |
PCCA | PCMCIA Communication Card Association |
PCCA | Portable Computer Communications Association |
PCCC | Parallel Concatenated Convolutional Codes |
PCE | PER Complete Encoding |
PCF | Personal Call Forwarding |
PCF | Picture Clock Frequency |
PCH | Paging Channel |
PCI | Peripheral Component Interconnect |
PCI | Programmable Communications Interface |
PCI | Protocol Capability Indicator |
PCIC | Petroleum and Chemical Technical Conference (IEEE IAS) |
PCI SIG | Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group |
PCIA | Personal Communications Industry Association |
PCL | Power Line Communication |
PCM | Pulse Code Modulation |
PCMCIA | Personal Computer Memory Card International Association |
PCME | Packet Circuit Multiplication Equipment |
PCN | Personal Communications Network |
PCR | Program Clock Reference |
PCLEV | Picture-Level |
PCS | Personal Communication Services |
PCSAP | PCS Application |
PCSC | Personal Communications Switching Center |
PCSD | Personal Communications Services Description |
PCT | Pairwise Correlating Transform |
PD | Plugfest Document |
PD | Powered Device |
PD | Proposed Draft |
PDAM | Proposed Draft Amendment |
PDC | Personal Digital Cellular |
PDD | Post Dial Delay |
PDE | Position Determining Entity |
PDE | Primary Designated Engineer (UL) |
Portable Document Format | |
Probability Density Function | |
probability distribution function | |
PDH | Plesiocronous Digital Hierachy |
PDH | Primary Digital Hierachy |
PDL | Polarization Dependent Loss |
PDN | Packet Data Network |
PDS | Phase Dithering Sequence |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit |
PDTR | Proposed Draft Technical Report |
PDU-MUX | Protocol Data Unit Multiplexer |
PDV | Packet Delay Variation |
PE | Policy Enforcement element |
PE | Poly Ethylene |
PE | Public Inquiry (ETSI) |
PEAQ | Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality (ITU-R rec. BS.1387) |
PED | Portable Electronic Device |
PEF | Proxy Element Function |
PER | Packed Encoding Rules |
PER | Parameter Error Rate |
PES | Program Elementary Stream |
PESQ | Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality |
PEX | ETSI Help Desk for Conformance |
PEXT | Premises End Crosstalk |
PF | Presence Function |
PFD | Power-flux Density |
PFGS | Progressive FGS |
PFMA | Programmable Frequency for Multiple Access-nodes |
PHB | Per-Hop forwarding Behavior |
PHCF | Hard Polymer Clad Fiber |
PHP | Personal Handy Phone |
PHS | Personal Handyphone System |
PHY | Physical Layer |
PIB | Personal Information Base |
PIC | Primary / Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier |
PICLEV | Picture-Level |
PICS | Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement |
PID | Protocol ID |
PIN | Personal Identification Number |
PIN | T.30 procedural interupt negative |
PINS | Project Initiation Notification System (TIA) |
PINT | PSTN Interworking (IETF) |
PINX | Private Integrated Network Exchange |
PIP | T.30 procedural interupt positive |
PISN | Private Integrated Services Network |
PIXIT | Profile Initialization for Test Cases |
PKCS | Public Key Cryptography Standards |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
PL | Physical Layer |
PL | Preferred Language |
PL | Program Lock |
PLAR | Private Line Auto Ring |
PLC | Packet Loss Concealment |
PLC | Power Line Communication |
PLI | Power Line Interference |
PLL | Phase Locked Loop |
PLMN | Public Land Mobile Network |
PLMTS | Public Land Mobile Telecommunications System |
PLOAM | Physical Layer Operations, Administrations and Maintenance |
PLS | Physical Layer Specification |
PLT | PowerLine Telecommunications |
PM | Phase Modulation |
PM | Performance Management (ATM Forum) |
PM | Processable Mode |
PMC | Packet Mode Channel |
PMC | Project Management Committee (ETSI) |
PMCC | Packet Mode Channel Connect |
PMCE | Packet Mode Channel Element |
PMCH | Packet Mode Channel Call Control |
PMCH | Packet Mode Channel Handler |
PMD | Physical Media Dependent sublayer |
PMD | Polarization Mode Dispersion |
PMF | probability mass function |
PMM | Protocol Management Module |
PMMS | Power Measurement Modulation Session |
PMP | Point to MultiPoint |
PMR | Peak-to-Mean Ratio |
PMS | Physical Media Specific |
PMS-TC | Physical Media Specific - Transmission Convergence |
PMT | Program Management Team |
PN | Project Number (TIA) |
PNE | Production of Norms in Europe |
PNNI | Private Network to Network Interface |
P-n-P | Plug and Play |
PNT | Phone-line Network Transceiver |
POC | Points of Contact (LBC) |
POC | Postal Operations Council |
POC | Proof-of concept |
POC | Public Operator's Code |
POCSAG | Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group (UK) |
PoD | Packet transport over DSL |
PoDSL | Packet over DSL |
POF | Plastic Optical Fiber |
POF | Private Operating Frequencies |
PON | Passive Optical Network |
POP | PreOrder Process transaction (DSL Forum) |
POPs | Points of Presence |
POS | Packet-over-SONET |
POTS | Plain Old Telephone Service |
PoV | Packet over VDSL |
PoV-TC | Packet over VDSL - Transmission Convergence Layer |
PoW | Poor or Worse |
PP | Portable Part |
PPAG | Public Policy Advisory Group (DSL Forum) |
PPD | Proposal Package Description |
PPDN | Public Packet Data Network |
PPI | PCS to PCS Interference |
PPM | Parts Per Million |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol (IETF) |
PPPoA | PPP over ATM |
PPPoE | Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet |
pps | pulses per second |
PQ | Priority Queuing |
PR | Pseudo Random |
PR | Public Relations |
PR&A | Project Request and Authorization |
PRA | Primary Rate Access |
PRBS | Pseudo-Random Bit Sequence |
PRC | Premium Rate Charging |
PRC | Private Channel |
PRD | Pseudo-Random Downstream Sequence |
PRI | Primary Rate Interface (ISDN) |
PRM | Performance Report Messages |
PRNS | Pseudo Random Noise Sequence |
PRO | Planning and Reporting Officer |
PROM | Programmable ROM |
PS | PCSC ISDN Switch |
PS | Portal Services (Q14/9, MediaHomeNet) |
PS | Product Safety |
PSA | Polled SubAddress |
PSAP | Public Safety Answering Point |
PSC | Picture Start Code |
PSD | Power Spectral Density |
PSDN | Public Switched Data Network |
PSDS | Public Switched Digital Service |
PSE | Power Source Element |
PSE | Power Sourcing Equipment |
PSELFEXT | Power Sum Equal Level Far-end Crosstalk |
PSI-CELP | Pitch Synchronous Innovation CELP |
PSID | Private System ID |
PSIDS | Private System ID Service |
PSK | Phase Shift Key |
PSL | Panasonic Singapore Laboratories |
PSN | Private Switched Network |
PSNEXT | Power Sum Near-end Crosstalk |
PSNR | Peak Signal to Noise Ratio |
PSO | Protocol Supporting Organization |
PSP | Public Service Profiles |
PSPDN | Packet Switched Public Data Network |
PSQM | Perceptual Speech Quality Measure (ITU Rec. P.861) |
PSS1 | Private Network Signaling System 1, defined by ISO |
PST | PON Section Trace |
PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network |
PSWG | Product Safety Working Group (Trilateral) |
PT | Payload Type |
PT | Portable radio Terminal |
PT | Project Team (ETSI) |
PTC | PictureTel Transform Coder |
PTC | Positive Temperature Coefficient (K.30) |
PTCC | Pex & Testing Competence Center (ETSI) |
PTM | Packet Transfer Mode |
PTM | Packet Transport Mode |
PTM-TC | Packet Transfer Mode Ð Transmission Convergence |
PTN | Public Telecommunications Network (TIPHON) |
PTN | Private Telecommunications Organizations |
PTNO | Public Telecommunications Network Operator (TIPHON) |
PTO | Private Telecommunications Organizations |
PTPCP | Peer-To-Peer Control Protocols |
PTS | Pay Terminals and System |
PTS | Payphone Terminals and System |
PTS | Pay Terminal System |
PTSP | PNNI Topology State Packet |
PTT | Public Telephone and Telegraph |
PTT | Push to Talk |
PUA | Personal User Agent |
PUC | Public Utilities Commission |
PUM | Personal User Mobility |
PVC | Permanent Virtual Circuit |
PVC | Poly Vinyl Chloride |
PVR | Personal Versatile Recorder |
PWA | Password Access |
PWD | Password (T.30) |
PWG | Printer Work Group |
PWT | Personal Wireless Telecommunications |
PWT-E | Personal Wireless Telecommunications - Enhanced Interoperability Standard |
-Q- | |
Q&A | Question and Answer |
QA | Quality Agent |
QADM | Quadrature Audio Data Modulation (VoiceSpan [TM]) |
QAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation |
QBD | QoS Bearer Descriptor |
QC | Quick Connect |
QCA | Quick Connect Acknowledge |
QCELP | Qualcomm's proprietary version of CELP |
QCIF | Quarter CIF |
QLN | Quiet Line Noise (G.dmt.bis) |
QLN-ps | Quiet Line Noise per subcarrier |
Q-Mode | Quiescent Mode (Q4/15) |
QOC | Qualification Oversight Committee (DSL Forum) |
QoS | Quality of Service (also QOS) |
QoSM | Quality of Service Manager |
QP | Quantization Parameter (H.262) |
QPSK | Quadrature Phase Shift Keying |
QS | Quality Scalability |
QSDG | Quality of Service Development Group |
QSIG | The signaling protocol used at the Q-interface between two switches in a private network. ECMA/ISO have defined a set of QSIG standards. |
QUANT | Quantization parameter |
QUEST | Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications |
-R- | |
R&D | Research and Development |
R&O | Report and Order |
R&TTE | Radio and TTE (Telecommunications Terminal Equipment) Directive |
RA | Radio Access |
RA | Radiocommunication Assemblies |
RAB | Registrar Accreditation Board |
RACF | Radio Access Control Function |
RACH | Random Access Channel |
RADIUS | Remote Access Dial-In User Server (IETF) |
RADSL | Rate-Adapting ADSL |
RAI | Remote Alarm Indication |
RAL | Restricted Access Location |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
RAM | Remote Access Multiplexer (DSL Forum) |
RAMA | Resource Auction Multiple Access |
RAN | Radio Access Network |
RAND | Random Challenge Memory |
RAS | Registration, Administration, and Status |
RAS | Remote Access Server |
RASC | Radio Access System Controller |
RAST | Receive And Send Terminal |
RATERQ | Rate Request |
RB | Radiocommunications Bureau (ITU-R) |
RBAF | Radio Bearer Adaptation Function |
RBB | Residential BroadBand |
RBER | Residual Bit Error Rate |
RBTESC | Routing, Bridging, and Transfer of Emergency Service Calls |
RBN | Regional Broadband Network (DSLF TR-025) |
RBOC | Regional Bell Operating Company |
RBS | Robbed-bit signaling |
RBW | Resolution BandWidth |
RC | Resistor/Capacitor |
RCC | Return Channel for Cable |
RCDD | Registered Communications Distribution Designer |
R-CELP | Renewal CELP |
RCELP | Residual CELP |
RCF | Radio Control Function (T1P1) |
RCF | RegistrationConfirm |
RCF | Registration Control Field |
RCF | Remote Call Forwarding |
RCH | Random Access Channel |
RCP | Radio Control Protocol |
RCPC | Rate Compatible Punctured Convolutional |
RCT | Return Channel Terrestrial |
RD or R-D | Rate Distortion |
RDC | Remote Device Control |
RDD-REL | Rights Data Dictionary - Rights Expression Language |
RDI | Remote Detect Indication (VC-RDI) |
RDQ | Rate-Distortion constrained Quantization |
RDS | Requirements Definition Study |
RDT | Remote Digital Terminal |
REA | Rural Electrification Association |
REC | RECeive alarm |
REJ | Reject |
RELP | Residual Excited Linear Prediction |
REN | Ringer Equivalence Number |
REQ-MP | Request Mode Proposal |
REQ-MR | Request Mode Request |
RES | Radio Equipment Systems |
RESNA | Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America |
RESCAP | Resource Capabilities discovery |
REVAL | Procedure for Evaluation of Radio Technologies for FPLMTS |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RF | Resolution Function (TIPHON) |
RFC | Designation for an IETF Standard/Document |
RFC | Remote Feature Control |
RFC | Request for Comments (IETF) |
RFDB | Resolution Function Data Base (TIPHON) |
RFER | Residual Frame Error Rate |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference |
RFI | Request for Information |
RFO | Remote Foreign Office |
RFP | Radio Fixed Parts |
RFP | Request for Proposal |
RFQ | Request for Quotation |
RFT | Remote Feeding Telecommunication (circuits) |
RFT-C | Remote power Feeding Telecom - Current limited |
RFT-V | Remote power Feeding Telecom - Voltage limited |
RG | Residential Gateway |
RGB | Red Green Blue |
RGIP | Residential Gateway Internal Protocol |
RH | Multiple HDLC Receive |
RIP | Request In Process |
RIPE | Regional Internet Registry for Europe |
RJ | Registered Jack |
RL | Return Loss |
RLAN | Radio Local Area Network |
RLCG | Resistance per unit length, Inductance per unit length, Capacitance per unit length, and Conductance per unit length |
RLP | Radio Link Protocols |
RLR | Receive Loudness Rating |
RM | Simple Facsimile Receive |
RMI | Remote Method Invocation |
RMMIE | Remote Modem Management Information Exchange |
RMOA | Realtime Multimedia Over ATM (ATM Forum) |
RM-ODP | Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing |
RMP | Reliable Multicast Protocol |
RMS | Root Mean Square |
RNR | Receiver Not Ready |
ROAMOPS | Roaming Operations Task Force |
ROC | Report on Comments |
ROI | Region of Interest |
ROLR | Receive Objective Loudness Rating |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
ROP | Report On Proposals |
ROSE | Remote Operations Service Element (X.219 and X.229) |
ROT | Receive Only Terminal |
RP | Radio Ports |
RP | Reference Points |
RP-AS | Ringing, Pulse-Alerting Signal |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call |
RPCU | Radio Port Control Unit |
RPE | Regular Pulse Excitation |
RPF | Remote Power Feed |
RpoA | Registration Point of Attachment |
RPP | Reverse-Pair Positioning |
RPR | Reference Picture Resampling |
RPR | Resilient Packet Ring |
RPS | Reference Picture Selection |
RPWM | Rules of Procedure and Working Methods |
RQV | Running Quality Value |
RR | Resource Record (TIPHON) |
RR | Reduced Reference |
RR | Registration Reject |
RRJ | Registration Reject |
RRNR | Reduced Reference - No Reference |
RRQ | Registration Request |
RRU | Reduced Resolution Update |
RS | Radio System |
RS | Radiocommunications Sector - ITU- (CCIR) |
RS | Reed-Solomon (code) |
RS | Rectangular Slice |
RS | Resolution Services (TIPHON) |
RSA | Public Key Cryptosystem invented by Rivest, Shamir and Adleman |
RSA | Rural Service Area |
RSDN | Regional Switched Digital Network |
RSF | Residential Standards Forum |
RSGCP | Reliable Signaling Gatway Control Protocol |
RSGP | Reliable Signaling Gateway Protocol |
RSID | Residential System Identification |
RSL | Reference System Lab |
RSSI | Received Signal Strength Indication |
RSUP | Reliable State Update Protocol (IETF) |
RSVP | Resource Reservation Setup Protocol (IETF) |
RT | Remote Terminal |
RT | Round Trip |
RTC | Return to Control (T.4) |
RTCA | Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics |
RTCP | Real-time Transport Control Protocol (IETF) |
RTD | Round Trip Delay |
RTE | Remote Terminal Equipment |
RTF | Radio Terminal Function |
RTLM | Real Time Link Management |
RTP | Real Time Transport Protocol (IETF) |
RTR | Revised Technical Report (ETSI) |
RTS | Request to Send |
RTS | Revised Technical Specification (ETSI) |
RTS-CTS | Request to Send - Clear to Send |
RTSP | Real-Time Streaming Protocol |
RTT | Radio Transmission Technologies |
RTTE | Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment |
RTU | Right to Use |
RTX | Request Retransmission |
RTYPE | Rounding Type |
RUFP | Reflected Unique Findable Pattern |
RVLC | Reversible Variable Length Codes |
RX | Receive |
RZ-SSB | Return to Zero SSB |
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