More Acronym Definitions:
-I- | |
I | Intra (JVT) |
I&I | Interworking and Interoperability |
I/G | Implementors Guide |
I/O | Input/Output |
IA | Implementation Agreement |
IA | Interoperability Agreements |
IAA | I Am Alive (emergency system) |
IAB | Internet Architecture Board |
IA5 | International Alphabet No. 5, now called International Reference Alphabet (IRA) |
IAC | Industry Advisory Committee/Council |
IACM | Industry Advisory Committee Meeting (UL) |
IAD | Integrated Access Device |
IAEI | Israel Association of Electronics Industries |
IAF | Internet Aware Fax (T.38) |
IAM | Initial Address Message |
IANA | Internet Assigned Number Authority |
IAP | Intercept Access Point |
IAS | Industrial Applications Society (IEEE) |
IAT | Internet access time |
IB | Indicator Bits |
IBS | Intelligent Building Systems |
IC | Impairment Combination |
IC | Industry Canada |
IC | Interexchange Carrier |
ICA | Information Communication Architecture |
I-CAN | Integrated Customer Access Network |
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers |
ICC | International Coordination Committee (ISO) |
ICCID | Integrated Circuit Card ID |
ICCF | Industry Carriers Compatibility Forum |
ICD | International Code Designator |
ICEA | Insulated Cable Engineers Association |
ICF | InfoConfirm |
ICF | Inter-Connection Function, e.g., a firewall |
ICFA | International Computer Facsimile Association |
ICG | Intersector Coordination Group |
ICI | Inter Carrier Interference |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
ICO | Intermediate Earth Orbit |
ICP | IMA Control Protocol |
ICS | Digital line interface to ISDN Compatible Station meeting requirements of TIA/EIA-579 |
ICS | Incoming Call Screening |
ICS | Implementation Conformance Statement |
ICS | Interoperability Compliance Statement (DSL Forum) |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology (ETSI) |
ICT | Integer Cosine Transforms |
I-CTR | Interim Common Technical Requirements |
ICTSB | Information and Communication Technology Standards Board |
ICV | Integrity Check Value |
ICWWG | Interagency Cellular and Wireless Working Group |
ID | delay impairment value |
ID | Identification |
IDB | J2366 ITS Data Bus |
IDC | Insulation Displacement Contact (TIA/EIA-568-B) |
IDCT | Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform |
IDEA | International Data Encryption Algorithm (Proprietary, from Ascom Tech. AG) |
IDFT | Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform |
IDL | Interface Design Language |
IDLC | Integrated Digital Loop Carrier |
I-D-QoS | Inter-Domain QoS |
IDRA | Integrated Dispatch Radio System |
IDS | Integrated Directory Service |
IDSL | ISDN Digital Subscriber Line |
IE | Information Element |
IEB | Industrial Electronic Bulletin |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
IECEE | Compliance with IEC for Electrical Equipment |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers |
IEMS | International Emergency Multimedia Services |
IEPS | International Emergency Preference Scheme (ITU-T E.106 [2000]) |
IESG | Internet Engineering Steering Group |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
I-ETS | Interim ETS (ETSI Standard) |
IF | Intermediate Frequency |
IF | Isolation Filters |
IF | Isolation Function |
IFA | Informal FTP Area |
IFAST | International Forum on AMPS Standards Technology (CTIA) |
IFAX | Internet Facsimile |
IFBCA | Internet Fax and Business Communications Association |
IFFT | Inverse Fast Fourier Transform |
IFP | Internet Facsimile Protocol |
IG | Implementer's Guide |
IG | Interoperability Group |
IGMP | Internet Group Management Protocol |
IIF | Interworking Interoperability Function |
IIP | Itinerant Internet Protocol |
IIR | Institute for International Research |
IIS | Inteface Implementation Specifications (Telemanagement Forum) |
IITF | Information Infrastructure Task Force |
IL | Independent Lab |
ILC | Identifier Length Content |
ILD | Insertion Loss Deviation |
ILEC | Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers |
ILMI | Integrated Local Management Interface (ATM Forum) |
IM | Instant Messaging |
IM | Intensity Modulation |
IM | Inter-modulation |
IM | Internet Multimedia (3GPP) |
IMA | Interactive Multimedia Association |
IMA | Inverse Multiplexing for ATM |
IMBE | Improved MultiBand Excitation |
IMC | Internet Mail Consortium |
IMD | Inter Modulation Distortion |
IME | ILMI Management Entity |
IME | Interface Management Entity |
IMEI | International Mobile Equipment Identifier |
I-mode | Idle mode |
IMP | Internet Modem Protocol |
IMPP | Instant Messaging and Presence Protocol (IETF) |
IMRS | Interactive Multimedia Retrieval Services |
IMS | Interactive Multimedia Services |
IMSF | IS-41 Message Security Forum |
IMSI | International Mobile Subscriber Identity |
IMT | International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT-2000) |
IMTC | International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium |
I-MUX | Inverse-Multiplexing |
IN | Intelligent Networking |
INAA | Integrated Network Access Arrangement |
INAP | Intelligent Network Application Profile |
IN/B | Intelligent Network/Broadband |
INC | International Carrier |
INF | IN Forum |
INMD | In-service Non-intrusive Measurement Device |
INMETRO | Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalizacion e Qualidad Industrial (Brazil) |
iNOW | interoperability NOW! |
INTAP | Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing (Japan) |
INTSERV | Integrated Services |
IOL | InterOperability Laboratory (University of New Hampshire) |
IOS | Inter-Operability Specifications |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IP | Intelligent Peripheral |
IP | Internet Protocol (IETF) |
IPAD | Internet Packet Assembler Disassember |
IPAT | Internet Protocol Access Terminal |
IPB | Improved PB |
IP BCP | Internet Protocol Basic Call Processing (SG11) |
IPBCP | IP Bearer Control Protocol |
IPBX | Internet PBX |
IPC | Insulation Piercing Contact (TIA/EIA-568-B) |
IPCDN | IP over Cable Data Networks |
IP-CME | Circuit Multiplication Equipment optimized for IP-based Networks |
IPCP | Internet Protocol Control Protocol (RFC1332) |
IPDC | IP Device Control |
IPDR | IP Detail Record (Consortium) |
IPDV | IP Packet Delay Variation |
I-PDU | Information PDU |
IPER | IP Packet Error Ratio |
IPFN | IP Federating Network (SPAN14 and TIPHON project) |
IPLR | IP Packet Loss Ratio |
IPMP | Intellectual Property Management and Protection |
IPN | Intelligent Packet Network |
IPng | Internet Protocol - next generation |
IPNS | ISDN PBX Network Specification |
IPP | Internet Printing Protocol |
IPPM | Internet Protocol Performance Metrics (IETF) |
IPR | Intellectual Property Rights |
IPSEC | IP Security (IETF) |
IPT | Internet Protocol Telephony |
IPTD | IP Packet Transfer Delay |
iptel | Internet Protocol Telephony (IETF Working Group) |
IPUI | International Portable User Identity |
IPUI R | International Portable User Identity for public/GSM |
IPv4 | Internet Protocol version 4 |
IPv6 | Internet Protocol version 6 |
IPX | Internetwork Packet eXchange |
IRA | International Reference Alphabet |
IRA | Internet Routing Address |
IRDA | Infrared Interface Committee |
IREG | ITU-T Recommendation Experiment Group |
IRI | Intercept Related Information |
IRM | International Roaming MIN |
IRQ | Interworking Service Request identifier |
IRR | Information Request Response |
IRS | Intermediate Reference System |
IS | Interim Standard (TIA) |
IS | International Standard (ISO) |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture |
ISC | International Softswitch Consortium |
ISC | International Switching Center |
ISCI | Inter-Symbol and Channel Interference |
ISCRI | International Special Committee on Radio Interface |
ISD | Independent Segment Decoding |
ISD | Integrated Services Digital (TIA-646-B) |
ISD | International Standards Development |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network |
ISDN-BA | ISDN Basic Access |
ISDN BRA | ISDN Basic Rate Access |
ISDN-PA | ISDN Primary Access |
ISD/TT | Integrated Services Digital/Tie Trunk |
ISI | Inter Symbol Interference |
ISIS | Information Society Initiatives in Standardization |
ISLP | Intersystem Link Protocol |
ISM | Industrial, Scientific, Medical |
ISN | Interface Service Node |
ISN | Interface Serving Node (SG11) |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISOC | Internet Society |
ISOL | Integrated Services Over Low speed serial inks |
ISP | International Standardized Profile |
ISP | Internet Selective Polling |
ISP | Internet Service Provider |
ISPBX | Integrated Services Private Branch Exchange |
ISPT | Italian PTT |
ISRF | Internet Screenphone Forum |
ISS | Inter-Satellite Service |
ISSG | Internet Services Study Group (MSAF) |
ISSLL | Integrated Services over Specific Links |
ISSLOW | Integrated Services System for Low Bitrate Environments |
IST | Integrated Services Trunk |
IST | ISDN tie trunks |
ISTO | Industry Standards and Technology Organization |
ISTP | IPCablecom Signaling Transport Protocol |
IST/TT | IST and other Tie Trunk |
ISUP | ISDN User Part |
ISWG | Interoperability Sub-Working Group (ADSL Forum) |
IT | Information Technology |
IT | Intermediate Trunk |
ITAAB | ISDN Technical Advisory Ad hoc Board |
ITAAG | ISDN Technical Advisory Ad hoc Group |
ITAC | Information Technology Association of Canada |
ITAC | ITU-T Advisory Committee |
ITAD | Integrated Telephone Answering Device |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
ITD | Interface Telecom Domotique |
ITE | Information Technology Equipment |
ITI | Information Technology Industry Council (formerly CBEMA) |
ITIC | Information Technology Industry Council |
ITL | Independent Testing Labs |
ITM | Informative Test Methods |
ITOC | Independent Telephone Operating Company |
ITS | Institute for Telecommunications Sciences |
ITS | Intelligent Transport System |
ITSB | Image Technology Standards Board |
ITSI | Individual TETRA Subscriber Identity |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
ITU-D | ITU - Development Sector |
ITU-R | ITU - Radiocommunications Sector |
ITU-T | ITU - Telecommunications Sector |
ITU-TSB | ITU - Telecommunications Standardization Board |
ITUDOCS | Electronic Document Service of ITU |
ITV | Interactive Television |
IUT | Implementation Under Test |
I-V | Current - Voltage |
IV | Initial Value |
IV | Initialization Vector |
IVCD | Initial Voice Channel Designation |
IVN | Intervening Networks |
IVP | Integrated Voice Protocol |
IVPC | Integrated Voice Protocol and Commands |
IVR | Interactive Voice Response |
IVS | Integrated Video Services |
IWF | Inter-Working Function |
IWU | Interworking Unit |
-J- | |
JBIG | Joint Binary Image Group |
JC | Joint Capabilities |
JCCR | Joint Committee on Cellular Roaming |
JCG | Joint Coordination Group |
JDC | Japan Digital Cellular |
JEEC | Joint ETSI/ECMA Committee |
JEM | Joint Experts Meeting |
JFIF | JPEG File Interchange Format |
JITC | Joint Interoperability Test Center |
JM | Joint Menu |
JM | Joint test Model (JVT Group) |
JND | Just Noticeable Difference |
JPC | Joint Project Committee |
JPCG | Joint Presidents Coordination Group (originally ISO/IEC, now also ITU) |
JPT | Joint Project Team |
JPEG | Joint Photographics Expert Group |
JPG | Joint Presidents Group (CEN/CENELEC/ETSI) |
JQG | Joint Question Group |
JRG | Joint Rapporteurs Group |
JSC | Joint Sectoral Committee |
JSD | Joint Standards Documents |
JTACS | Japanese TACS System |
JTAPI | JAVA Telephony API |
JTC | Joint Technical Committee |
JVT | Joint Video Team (ISO/IEC MPEG Video + ITU-T Q6/16) |
JURA | JPEG Utilities Registration Authority |
JUSTINTAC | Joint User Supplier TIA ICEA NEMA Technical Advisory Committee |
JWD | Joint Working Draft (JVT Group) |
JWG | Joint Working Group |
-K | |
KAME | Joint effort of seven companies in Japan to provide a free IPv6 and IPsec (for both IPv4 and IPv6) stack for BSD variants to the world |
KLT | Karhunen-Loeve Transform |
KTA | Key Technical Areas |
KTS | Key Telephone System |
KY | totally protected key systems (FCC Part 68 Form 730) |
-L- | |
L2TP | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (IETF) |
l2tpext | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol Extensions (IETF) |
LA | Local Application (T.611) |
LA | Look Ahead |
LAC | L2TP Access Concentrator |
LAC | Link Access Control |
LADC | Local Area Data Channels |
LAES | Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance |
LAIC | Lawfully Authorized Intercept Capability |
LAN | Local Area Network |
LANE | LAN Emulation |
LAP | Link Access Protocol |
LAPB | Link Access Protocol B (ISDN-B Channel) |
LAPD | Link Access Protocol D (ISDN-D Channel) |
LAPF | Link Access Protocol - Frame |
LAPM | Link Access Protocol for Modems (V.42) |
LAPV | Link Access Protocol (G.964, G.965) |
LAR | Log Area Ratio |
LATA | Local Access Transport Area |
LATN | Loop Attentuation |
LB | Letter Ballot |
LB | Loop Back (Rec. I.610) |
LBC | Low Bit rate Coder |
LBO | Line Build Out |
LBS | Location Based Service |
LC | Last Call (ITU, IETF) |
LC | Layer-1/2 Converters (Q14/9, MediaHomeNet) |
LC | Logic Channel |
LCAP | Large Cell Access Profile |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LCD | Loss of Cell Delineation |
LCF | Location Confirm |
LCFO | Line Current Feed Open |
LCF-PMD | Low Cost Fiber-Physical Medium Dependent |
LCL | Longitudinal Conversion Loss |
LCN | Logical Channel Number |
LCP | Link Control Protocol |
LCTL | Longitudinal Conversion Loss Transfer |
LD | Long Distance |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
LDCELP | Low Delay CELP |
LDDS | Limited Distance Data Service |
LDLL | Limited Degradation of the Long Loop |
LDM | Limited Distance Modem (CS-03) |
LDP | Label Distribution Protocol |
LDPA | Light Document Printing Architecture |
LDPC | Low Density Parity Check |
LDS | Local Digital Switch |
LDSL | Long Reach DSL |
LE | Local Exchange |
LEC | Local Exchange Carrier |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
LEP | Leaving EC Pattern |
LES | Loop Emulation Service |
LHS | Left Hand Side |
LI | Lawful Interception |
LISN | Line Impedance Stabilization Network |
LL | Leased Line |
LLC | Logical Link Control |
LLI | Lower Layer Information |
LLID | Loopback Location Identifier (Rec. I.610) |
LMCO | Lockheed Martin Corporation and Ericsson |
LMCS | Local Multipoint Communications System |
LMDS | Local Multi-point Distribution Service |
LMF | Location Management Function |
LMR | Land Mobile Radio |
LMS | Land Mobile Service |
LMS | Loop Management System | LMSI | Local Mobile Station Identity |
LN | Link Attention (V.42 Annex A) |
LNP | Local Number Portability |
LNS | L2TP Network Server |
LO | Local Oscillator |
LOI | Letter of Intent |
LON | Local Operating Networks |
LOO | Likelihood of Occurrence |
LOS | Loss of Signal |
LOSQ | Listening Only Speech Quality |
LP | Loop Provider |
LPC | Linear Predictive Coding |
LPF | Low Pass Filter |
LPIC | Primary / Presubscribed Interexchange/IntraLATA Carrier |
LR | Local Response form (DSL Forum) |
LR | Loudness Rating |
LRCC | Last Registration Control Channel |
LRE | Low bit Rate Encoding |
LRF | Location Registration Function |
LRFD | Load and Resistance Factor Design |
LRJ | LocationReject |
LRMS | Low Rate Messaging Service |
LRN | Location routing number for LNP |
LRQ | Location Request |
LS | Lossless and near Lossless |
LSAS | Line-Side Answer Supervision |
LSB | Least Significant Bit |
LSD | Low Speed Data channel |
LSG | Lead Study Group |
LSO | Loopback Service Options (cdma2000) |
LSOG | Local Service Ordering Guidelines |
LSOP | Local Service Ordering and Provisioning Committee |
LSP | Line Spectral Pair |
LSP | Local Service Provider |
LSQ | Listener Speech Quality |
LSSGR | LATA Switching Systems Generic Requirements (Bellcore) |
LSTR | Listener Sidetone Rating |
LT | Line Termination |
LTP | Long Term Prediction |
LTU | Line Terminating Unit |
LU | Logical Unit |
LUS | Location Update Service |
LVD | Low Voltage Directive |
LVDS | Low Voltage Differential Signaling |
LW | Long Wave |
LZJH | Lempel-Ziv-Jeff.Heath |
LZW | Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm |
-M- | |
MA | Moving Average |
MA | Mobile Service |
MAC | Management Ad Hoc Committee (TR-41) |
MAC | Media Access Control |
MACA | Mobile Assisted Channel Allocation |
MAE | Mean Absolute Error |
MAH | Mobile Access Hunting |
MAHO | Mobile Assisted Handoff |
MAP | Media Access Procedure |
MAP | Mobile Application Part |
MAPI | Messaging API |
MAPI | Microsoft API |
MASA | Multimedia Services Affiliate Forum |
MA-THD | Multi Amplitude Total Harmonic Distortion |
MATLAB | MathWorks |
MATV | Master Antenna Television |
MAWG | Message Attachment Work Group |
MB | Macro Block |
MBA | Macroblock Address (H.263) |
MBE | Multi-Byte Extension |
MBFT | Multipoint Binary File Transfer |
MBMP | Modem Bank Management Protocol |
MBN | Multiservice Broadband Networks |
MC | Message Center |
MC | Multipoint Controller (H.323) |
MCBPC | Macroblock type & Coded Block Pattern for Chrominance |
MCC | Mobile Country Code |
MCC | Modem Control Channel |
MCCC | Multiple Concatenated Convolutional Codes |
MCD | Mobile Communications Division |
MCF | Message Confirmation (T.30) |
MCID | Multi-line Caller Identification |
MCM | Multi-Carrier Modulation |
MCP | Motion Compensated Prediction |
MCPE | Motion Compensated Prediction Error |
MCNS | Multimedia Cable Network System |
Mcps | Megachips per second |
MCS | Multi-point Control Services (T.122) |
MCU | Multi-point Control Unit |
MCV | Multipoint Command Visualization |
MD-IS | Mobile Data Intermediate System |
MD | Manufacturer Defined |
MDBS | Mobile Data Base Station |
MDC | Manufacturer Declaration of Conformity |
MDC | Multiple Description Coding |
MDCP | Media Device Control Protocol |
MDCR | Minimum Desired Cell Rate |
MDELFEXT | Multiple-Disturber Equal-Level Far-End Crosstalk |
MDF | Mux Data Frame |
MDI | Media Dependent Interface |
MDI | Medium Dependent Interface |
MDLP | Mobile Data Link Protocol |
MDN | Message Disposition Notification |
MDN | Mobile Directory Number |
MDTP | Multi-network Datagram Transmission Protocol |
MDU | Multi-Dwelling Unit |
ME | Managed Entity |
ME | Mobile Equipment |
ME | Motion Estimation |
MED | Multiplexer Entry Descriptor |
Megaco | MEdia GAteway Control Protocol (IETF) |
Megacop | MEdia GAteway COntrol Protocol |
MEI | Multiple Extension Interworking |
MEI | Multiple Extension In use (TIA/EIA-777-A) |
MELP | Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction |
MER | Message Error Rate |
MERS | Minimal Essential Requirements |
M-ES | Mobile End System |
MES | Mobile Earth Station |
MF | fully protected hybrid systems (FCC Part 68 Form 730) |
MF | Multi-tone Frequency |
MFFA | Macroblock-Frame-Field-Adaptive |
MFJ | Modified Final Judgment |
MFP | Multi-Function Peripheral |
MFPA | Multi-Function Peripheral Association |
MFPI | Multi-Function Peripheral Interface |
MFPL | Multi-Function Peripheral Language |
MFPP | Multi-Function Packet Protocol |
MG | Management Group |
MG | Media Gateway |
MGC | Media Gateway Controller |
MGCP | Media Gateway Control Protocol |
MGT | Mobile Global Title |
MH | MultiHypothesis motion pictures (H.26L) |
MHEG | Multimedia and Hypermedia Experts Group |
MHP | Multimedia Home Platform |
MHS | Message Handling System X.400 |
MI | Miscellaneous Work Item (ETSI) |
MI | Mode Indicator |
MIB | Management Information Base |
MIDCOM | Middlebox Communication (IETF) |
MIF | Management Information File |
MIGG | MRA Implementation Guide Group |
MII | Ministry of Industry Information (China) |
MIM | Man in the Middle |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (IETF) |
MIMO | Multi-Input-Multi-Output |
M-IN | Multimedia Intelligent Networking |
MIN | Mobile Identification Number |
MIN | Mobile Intelligent Network |
MIP | Mobile Internet Protocol |
MIPS | Million Instructions Per Second |
M-IRS | Modified IRS |
MIRS | Multimedia Information Retrieval Services |
MIV | Multipoint Indication Visualization |
ML | Maximum Likelihood |
MLC | Multiple Logical Channel |
MLFR | Multi Link Frame Relay (FRF) |
MLP | Multi-Layer Protocol |
MLPP | Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption |
MLPPP | Multi Link PPP |
MLT | Modulated Lapped Transform |
MLTS | Multi-Line Telecommunications Systems |
M-LVDS | Multipoint Low Voltage Differential Signaling |
MLWW | Multi Layered Winding Wire |
MM | Mass Media (FCC) |
MM | Mobility Management |
MM | MultiMedia |
MM | Multimode |
MMAP | Mobility Management Application Protocol (T1S1) |
MMBAN | Multi Media Broadband Access Nodes |
MMC | Multiple Modulus Conversion |
MMCF | Multimedia Communications Forum |
MMCOI | Multimedia Communications Community of Interest |
MMDS | Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service |
MMF | Multi Mode Optical Fiber |
MMG | Multimedia Management Group (ETSI) |
MMH-MAC | Multilinear Modular Hash - Message Authentication Code |
MMI | Man-Machine Interface (TTT Services) |
MMI | Modem Management Interface |
MMITS | Modular Multifunction Information Transfer System |
mml | mobile multilink |
MMO | Modem Managed Objects |
MMoMBN | Multimedia over MBN |
MMR | Modified Modified Read |
MMRA | Model Mutual Recognition Agreement |
MMS | Multimedia Messaging Service |
MMUSIC | Multiparty Multimedia Session Control (IETF) |
MNA | Management Network Architecture |
MNC | Mobile Network Codes |
MNE | Mobile Network Entity |
MNLP | Mobile Network Location Protocol (IS-732-501) |
MNP4 | Microcom Networking Protocol |
MNRP | Mobile Network Registration Protocol |
MNRU | Modulated Noise Reference Unit |
MO | Mobile Originated |
MOCS | Managed Objects Conformance Statements |
MODB | Macroblock mode for B-blocks |
MoDSL | Modems over DSL |
MOH | Modem on Hold |
MoIP | Modems over Internet Protocol |
MOPS | Million Operations Per Second |
MOS | Mean Opinion Score |
MoU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MP | Measurement Point |
MP | Media Player |
MP | Modulation Parameter |
MP | Multipoint Processor (H.323) |
MPC | Mobile Position Center |
MPCI | Mobile Protocol Capability Indicator |
MPD | Mode Power Distribution |
M-PDU | Meta Protocol Data Unit |
MPE | Maximum Permissive Exposure |
MPEG | Motion Picture Experts Group(ISO/IEC) |
MPI | Minimum Picture Interval |
MPh | Half Duplex Modulation Parameters in the V.34 negotiation |
MPL | Multiplex Payload Length field |
MPLS | Multi-Protocol Label Switching (IETF) |
MP-MLQ | Multi-Pulse - Maximum Likelihood Quantizer |
MPMU | Meta Protocol Message Unit |
MPOP | Main Point of Penetration (where phone lines enter the residence) |
MPPC | Microsoft Point to Point Compression |
MPS | Minimum Performance Specification |
MPS-TC | Management Protocol Specific - Transmission Convergence |
MPU | Multiple Port Unit |
MQ | Modified Quantization |
MQLVS | Multi-Quality Layered Video Service |
MR | Mode Request |
MR | Modem Relay |
MR | Modified Read |
MR | MultiRate |
MRA | Mutual Recognition Agreements |
MRC | Mixed Raster Content |
MRE | Mode Request |
MRD | Market Requirements Document |
MRM | Meeting Room Management |
MRP | Markov Renewal Process |
MRPC | Multipoint Remote Procedure Call |
MRU | Maximum Receive Unit |
MS | Management Services |
MS | Microsoft |
MS | Mobile Station |
MS | Mode Select |
MSAF | Multimedia Services Affiliate Forum |
MSB | Manufacturer Specified Blocks |
MSB | Most Significant Bit |
MSBN | MultiService Broadband Network |
MSC | Message Sequence Chart |
MSC | Mobile Switching Center |
MSC | Multi-mode Source Controlled |
MSC-BC | Mobile Switching Center - Base Center |
MSCID | Mobile Switching Center Identification |
MSCIN | Mobile Switching Center Identification Number |
MSC-VBR | Multi-mode Source Controlled Variable Bit-Rate |
MSD | Master Slave Determination |
MSD | Minimum Significant Difference |
MSDL | MPEG-4 Syntactic Description Language |
MSDN | Multi-Service Data Network |
MSE | Mean Squared Error |
MSF | Multiservice Switching Forum |
MSI | Manufacturer Specific Information |
MSI | Maximum Symbol Inversion |
MSID | Mobile Station Identity |
MSIN | Mobile Station INput (GSM) |
MSIN | Mobile Subscriber Identification Number |
MSISDN | Mobile Station ISDN |
MSJ | Multiple Selective Reject |
MSLT | Minimum Scan Line Time |
MSN | Microsoft Network |
MSN | multiple subscriber numbering |
MSO | Markov Service Option (cdma2000) |
MSR | Market Service Requirement |
MSR | Multiple Service Ring |
MSR | Multi-Selective Reject |
MSS | Mobile Satellite Services |
MSSF | Multi Service Switching Forum |
MSWG | Mobile Services Working Group (NAFTA/CCT) |
MT | Mobile Terminal |
MT | Mobile Terminated |
MT | Mode Toggle |
MT | Type of commercial fiber optic connector |
MT2 | Cellular User's Mobile Termination |
MTA | Major Trading Area |
MTA | Multimedia Terminal Adapter (SG9) |
MTA | Multimedia Terminal and Applications |
MTH | Module Telecom Home |
MTIE | Maximum Time Interval Error |
MTM | Mobile Test Model |
MTP | Message Transfer Part |
MTP | Message Transfer Point |
MTP | Multicast Transport Protocol |
MTP/SO | Multiple Transport Protocol/Self Organizing |
MTS | Methodology of Test Suites |
MTS | Methods for Testing and Specification (ETSI TC) |
MTSO | Mobile Telephone Switching Office |
MTTCM | Multi-tone Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation |
MTU | Maintenance Terminating Unit |
MTU | Maximum Transfer Unit |
MTU | Multiple Terminal Unit (DSL Forum) |
MUB | Multi-Use Bearer Service |
MUSHRA | Multi Stimulus test with Hidden Reference and Anchor |
MUT | Modem Under Test |
MUTOA | Multi-User Telecommunications Outlet Assemblies |
MUX | Multiplexer |
MV | Membership Vote (ETSI) |
MV | Motion Vector |
MVA | Multipoint Visualization Achieved |
MVBR | Multimode Variable Bit Rate |
MVC | Mobile Video Coder |
MVC | Multipoint Visualization Capability |
MVD | Motion Vector Data |
MVNO | Mobile Virtual Network Operator |
MVPD | Multi-channel Video Programming Distributor |
MVR | Multipoint Visualization Refused/Revoked |
MVV | Multirate/VAD VBR |
MW | Mid Wave |
MWC | Multi-Way Calling |
MWI | Message Waiting Indication |
MWIF | Mobile Wireless Internet Forum |
MWN | Message Waiting Notification |
More Acronym Definitions:
Acronym Definitions last updated July 2, 2002. We are no longer keeping it current.